Hallo, my mistake is JUMP-TANDEM in the text. Instead of that change that for "Prostejov" .
Can you try to make the lines behind the skydivers 360° and the text "FAI World Wingsuit..." in the middle of the "Globe" ?
Try to join more the JUMP-TANDEM logo with the rest of the graphic. Color, font...
There must be written: FAI World Wingsuit Flying Championships 2018
JUMP-TANDEM - Czech Republic (instead of WWFCH2018). Thank you. Sorry for missleading
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Can you try to make the lines behind the skydivers 360° and the text "FAI World Wingsuit..." in the middle of the "Globe" ?
Try to join more the JUMP-TANDEM logo with the rest of the graphic. Color, font...
JUMP-TANDEM - Czech Republic (instead of WWFCH2018). Thank you. Sorry for missleading