Thank you very much. It looks great now. The only one thing I would like to try is to remove the white contour from the letter “j” in the JUMP word. Leave it around the black skydiver above the logo, but remove it from the orange letter J. THanks
1. No contour around the white wingsuiters
2. Orange globe as ZERO in 2018: the continenets is BLACK
3. Logo JUMP-TANDEM. white contour on black wingsuiter
1. Why there is a contour around the white wingsuiters now? There was no one and it was OK. Please remove.
2. Orange globe as ZERO in 2018: make the continenets BLACK from white
3. Logo JUMP-TANDEM. There is a black silhouete of a skydiver on the top of the logo. You have now the black silhouete in the black background. There must be a WHITE CONTOUR. Please let me know if you do not understand anything. Thanks
Yes thanks. There is another logo from you which needs little change.
THis is the first time we use logotournament. We like to make you a winner. But we do not have experience. Is than still possible to make some changes? We like to have four modifications of the logo. The black bkgr, white bkgr, B&W and the black contoure
Globe what is gray -> more dark, like 75%, what is white -> gray, like 25%. So that the globe is full disk.
The wingsuiters from top left: orange - black - orange - black - orange .
The text FAI WORLD... in orange color.
maybe this is another version from #143 with more visible globe.
You may know you will be the winner. We are just finishing the variants for use on different background. The black background looks perfect now. For the white background we still like more this than the one with the countoure (#138). What we still need is to make it more "agresive" or so. For that the idea is to try to do following from the left:
Globe what is gray -> more dark, like 75%, what is white -> gray, like 25%. So that the globe is full disk.
The wingsuiters from top left: orange - black - orange - black - orange .
The text FAI WORLD... in orange color.
In fack it should be negativ of #143 with more visible globe.
Hi Tridoso, it's very nice. Please between Czech Republic is no dash. Can you try one more logo when on white surface with the black contour? On black background that looks perfect, just if we have e.g. white t-shirt or similar situation. like the JUMP-TANDEM logo has. thx
And one more quite different idea. write
2018. BIG. In the "0" globe put everything: text, wingsuiters etc. Please let me know if you do not understand what I mean
please try not o much colors
1. all text in black (but zero in 2018 - globe orange). 2. FAI smaller and light 3. wingsuiters not in olympic circles colors but 3D orange and silver and the yelow circle different color. from ours. What do you thing about the idea to mirror the globe behind the wingsuiters?
THere is too much text in comparation with the silhouettes - pictures. Need to change the propotiones. 2. Globe in "zero" 2018 is very perfect idea. This may be changed 3x and put the skydivers inside. 3. Please replace in text JUMP-TANDEM with "Prostejov"
I like the colors and the Globe instead ofo the "zero" in 2018. Just please can you move the uper (grey) wingsuiter little to the right? It looks like a tandem at the moment. You can try to put as well the other three as on the other drafts. Thanks
There must be written: FAI World Wingsuit Flying Championships 2018
JUMP-TANDEM - Czech Republic (instead of WWFCH2018). Thank you. Sorry for missleading
Comment Activity
best regards
best regards
best regards
2. Orange globe as ZERO in 2018: the continenets is BLACK
3. Logo JUMP-TANDEM. white contour on black wingsuiter
2. Orange globe as ZERO in 2018: make the continenets BLACK from white
3. Logo JUMP-TANDEM. There is a black silhouete of a skydiver on the top of the logo. You have now the black silhouete in the black background. There must be a WHITE CONTOUR. Please let me know if you do not understand anything. Thanks
anytime you need a change in your logo. you can contact me
THis is the first time we use logotournament. We like to make you a winner. But we do not have experience. Is than still possible to make some changes? We like to have four modifications of the logo. The black bkgr, white bkgr, B&W and the black contoure
About the text FAI WORLD WINGSUIT CHAMPIONSHIP all in orange or all in black
The wingsuiters from top left: orange - black - orange - black - orange
The wingsuiters from top left: orange - black - orange - black - orange .
The text FAI WORLD... in orange color.
maybe this is another version from #143 with more visible globe.
best regards
Globe what is gray -> more dark, like 75%, what is white -> gray, like 25%. So that the globe is full disk.
The wingsuiters from top left: orange - black - orange - black - orange .
The text FAI WORLD... in orange color.
In fack it should be negativ of #143 with more visible globe.
and logo from this file, just orange convert to white. (no conture)
2018. BIG. In the "0" globe put everything: text, wingsuiters etc. Please let me know if you do not understand what I mean
1. all text in black (but zero in 2018 - globe orange). 2. FAI smaller and light 3. wingsuiters not in olympic circles colors but 3D orange and silver and the yelow circle different color. from ours. What do you thing about the idea to mirror the globe behind the wingsuiters?
JUMP-TANDEM - Czech Republic (instead of WWFCH2018). Thank you. Sorry for missleading