I'd be interested in seeing a new font or mixture of some. I thinks It's a little too rounded for my taste. Maybe even playing with some lower case stuff.
If I went with the arms-raised i, I wouldn't have the cross in it. Smacks of choir robes. Nothing against choirs, but that isn't my focus. I'm wondering what it'd look like a little more understated/smaller.
I'd say no to the reflection.
I'd be interested in seeing something other than the star. Not sure what, if anything.
Color-wise, I personally like the earth tones - as you could tell by my site. But I'm definitely open to some more color. Oranges, reds, earthy blues (that probably isn't even a color - but do you knwo what I mean, not like royal blue or navy). This logo design will set the tone for my whole web redesign that i'm doing. So I'm open for color.