Hi, my concept for your logo - simple/2D yet a clever incorporation of the treble clef. I'm happy to make changes to colors/fonts. (sorry I just realised I missed the '.com' off the brown/blue version, but you get the idea of the design anyway) Thanks, Catherine
Catherine - thanks for signing your name in the comment. Sounds funny, but it's nice to connect with the designer by name and face versus some goofy screen name & avatar.
I love the colors of both. and the darker background. Can you mess with the font - something more like you're "viewinz" design's font. Great portfolio by the way.
I love that you're trying something different with the treble clef and microphone. I think the concept is cool. It's a little too "cute" for my style. Wondering if there's a way to make it a little more subtle/abstract.
By the way, here are several of your designs I think have a great look that could work for what I want. joshua m hood - i like the icon "showers mirrors, more" - i like the colors and simplicity living with eco - love the colors and circle desgin Glamamom - not so much the flourishes, but who knows? Thursdays with Sam - the green, name tag looking one. - I wouldn't want rounded corners. I like squares. Don't foreclose - love the colors and the simple symbol.
thanks again Catherine. Wish we had more than 12 hours to work together.
I like the font and the treble design is better for me (btw, my wife loved your treble clef & microphone...she may override me...). Any chance I can see the darker background with some of the elements of #39. Also, anyway you can make the treble clef less 'pretty' - maybe more handwritten. Just a thought.
I'd be open to seeing other semi abstract designs like that with the microphone, guitars, keyboard, etc.
Thanks for the feedback - I agree with the avatar/quirky screen name thing! Just a quick question about emphasis is it to be 'Worship Team, Coach" or more "Worship, Team Coach" I hope you get what I mean, I read it to be Worship Team, then coach - but I notice a lot of the logos are Worship, Team Coach...
Hi again, nearly 1am here, so I'm going to get some sleep! Will be back at the computer in 7 or so hours and I'll pick up where I left off. Thanks again for the useful feedback, Catherine
Hope you got some good sleep. Thanks for the work you're putting in on this. Here's what I like: The 'coach' moved in on #42 vs #43. Liking the color scheme on #42. My wife, let's call her Shannon (cuz that's her real name), made a good point: these colors feel a little more masculine. I think that's my issue with the treble clef. It strikes me as a very feminine design. the keys add to that feminine feel. Shannon encouraged me to keep things more masculine, b/c I'd guess 75% of the people I'll work with in churches are men. So is there anyway to "butch" up the treble clef? Or maybe go with some other symbol.
My main instrument is guitar and at least half of my workshops are guitar oriented. I hesitated to go with a guitar b/c i have a separate/but connected resource site called worshipguitarworkshop.com. So a guitar may be a better bet. It would probably look more masculine than keys. I've designed a cover for a DVD project coming out where i did some simple vertical lines with dots in between to look like a simple fretboard. So that could be an idea.
The .com feels a little out there no matter where it's been put. I don't have any suggestions...
Hmm, ok sleep - daughter woke me up at 7am wanting to watch 'her' channel. haha. ANYWAY - totally get the feminine/masculine thing. So I've tried the fretboard approach....
thanks Catherine - yeah, I feel you with the kids. Mine wake up before God. Like the fretboard stuff. Question: I know the contest includes only one design, but are you able to offer a white background & and color background version?
Also, what would your rate be to do a version of 'lookalike' logo for my worshipguitarworkshop.com resource site? They are going to be integrated into one site, but keep the urls separate. thanks.
Hi Jon, Yes can easily do the white background and color background - it's the same design, just a color variation so that's no problem to include it in your 'logo' package. I can't really discuss rates etc for further work within this contest due to site rules; "Private arrangements with CHs are unacceptable. (Example: offering free services if they select your logo) It is fine for a winning Designer to offer additional services outside of this site such as letterhead, business card design, etc." but I'm sure it can be arranged, it wouldn't be anymore than what you've paid for the original logo. Thanks, Catherine
cool - i like the quirky, non-square. Couple things - these latest guitars look like they have 7 strings. Also, i didn't pay close attention when they were first submitted, but the dots (fret markers) usually fall between the middle two strings (strings 3 and 4)
also, can you #87 - not sure what the black line is. I kinda like the design, but it's throwing me off a little, too.
I'll be outside cutting down an overgrown grapevine and probably getting poison ivy. I'll check in before the contest ends.
Ok - fixed the 7 stringed guitar and the fret markers (woops!) The black line was just the edge of the guitar neck.. Contest coming to a close now - i'm happy to make any variations on designs submitted. Thanks again, Catherine
Catherine, I've been talking to my web design/marketing guys and they're pretty hot on #88 and #79. Color-wise I'm pretty sold on the black and green.
Can I see #88 with a green team & box? Or possibly #88 with a color scheme like #87? On the fretboard of 88 can you put the fret dots between 3 & 4?
On #79 I'd be interested in seeing just the six strings and frets/fret dots without the side lines. Here again, are you able to move the dots to between strings 3 and 4?
As much as i liked the other design I have ranked #1, I think your string/fret designs do more than just say "guitar," which is what I need to communicate.
No problem, I can make these changes and upload them in the next couple of hours. During the 'Judging' phase only the 1st ranked designer can upload designs, so if you could move one of my designs into 1st I'll be able to upload, then you can move them around again as you wish.
Catherine, one of the web designers i'm working with made this suggestion: "The fonts are more plain... Arial I think. You could ask her to use a font more like PonetzGraphics used and I think you'd like it better."
May I see a version of #88 or #79 with something similar to #62 - minus the big fat O.
I'm probably being high maintenance - I'm sorry. I just want to make sure this is something I can live with for a few years.
... variations of 88 and 79 with the font like Ponetz. Let me know of any other tweaks you'd like, don't worry about 'high maintenance' it's important to me you get something that'll last and you're happy with as well!
May I see #101 with the guitar at the same angle, but using the guitar from #100? I.e. - not seeing the strings fade to a point in the foreground.
Also, may I see a version of the circle logo from #75 with the straight text of #100?
I keep 2nd guessing the sideways .com on the ones like #100. What are you're thoughts on it sticking up above the rest of the text? Will it be too small if it fit within the height of the tops of the smallest lowercase letters? I love it sideways, so that's not the issue. Do you think it would work to keep it the same size, but lowered to fit symmetrically against the other text. That is, it'd be sticking out slightly above and below the line.
by the way, what's our time difference and your best hours to work? I'm flexible, so I'll schedule my day around that so we can wrap this up and you can win more contests. It's a 5.30am here. (Read the book Quitter by Jon Acuff and it's got me getting up at 5am to do my entrepreneurial stuff...the things we do to leave our day jobs...)
wow, 5am, now that's something I strive to do. Just googled your book and I'll have to give that a read! It's 10.20pm here - I can usually work afternoons when my 2 kids are in bed, and evenings when husband is on the ps3 haha. He took a look at these before and asked if he could use #40 for HIS worship team! Anyway, here's a couple more...I think the .com above the text doesn't look quite right, but thought I'd let you see for yourself, it is getting fairly small in #106 legibility wise, ie if it were on a business card. I'll try the sticking out above/below...
Nice - yeah, #106 is pretty small. I'm not feeling it above like on #107. What do you think, do you like it on #108 better than the original?
I like the lines in #105 better than the original. thanks.
I'm starting getting 'paralysis of analysis.' I'll get some feedback from my web guys and pull the trigger. I think I can make a decision with what we have here.
your husband plays on a worship team? cool. Send me your address or your church's address and I'll send you my worship guitar DVD as a extra thanks. if he doesn't play guitar, he can pass it on to someone in your church.
Cool, let me know what you decide and I'll put together up the chosen design. I think perhaps if the start of the 'c' in .com is aligned with the bottom of the 'h' it might look best, starting with the 'dot' aligned isn't quite right...hmmm...maybe... I might take a look at how other websites have done it...
I think we're going with the simple and clean #100. I think you might be right about the c lining up at at the bottom of the h. That's how it looks on #87. Aside from that tweak, I think we're a go. If you looked at other sides and have a better plan, let me know. once I hear back from you on the .com I'll go ahead and select it as the winner.
Are you still ok with doing a dark background or gray scale variation?
Yes still fine to do a gray scale and dark background. Will upload 2 more with the above '.com' to pick between (my preference is on it's side rather than tucked beneath).