thanks for the entries (#1-4)! They are pretty cool but maybe not quite what we were thinking. We dont really want to change or modify our existing logo bur rather create some sort of badge/image that has both our logo (as is) and the ship. Maybe something you would see on a patch or badge. Looking forward to seeing more. Thanks
#5 and #6- these are better! I like the concepts. We would still like to incorporate our logo into the design. Also, maybe a side view of the ship rather than a front view?
#7- like the new ship look! i think you are on to something. Can you make the ship slightly bigger inside the circle and then put the World Vets logo on the side of the ship (in the white part)? I would like it to all go together in one cohesive image. maybe it will make it too busy or the logo will be too small but it somehow needs to all go together into one image.
#7- also try adding the words "veterinary team" to the bottom curve of the circle. If necessary you could leave out the words "internaitonal aid for animals" from the logo if it is too small
#9 the concept and design is great. something doesnt seem quite right about the ship. This is the view of the back of the ship. Maybe could we try the same side view but from the front of the ship? thanks for your hard work!
Can you also do a version like #9 that just has our logo in the middle without the ship (not sure if this is what we want but would like to see this version)-maybe it would work. thanks
#11, very cool! #14 - i like the design but would prefer for the ship to be wite and the background a darker color. Overall it seems like too much white. i realize our logo wont show up on a dark background but if there is a way to make the background white behind the logo and dark on the rest that could work. thanks for your great efforts!