Regarding Entry #4 - Like the look. Couple of things that may make it more appealing. 1) Making the fly rod straight 2) Making the fly smaller 3) Connecting the fly to some line which is then connected to the rod 3) Moving the fly somewhere else and moving the words Wooly and Bugger together.
Regarding Entry #5 - Same comments as #4. The stamped/faded font is interesting. Wonder what it would look like if the whole logo (font and picture) all had the same faded/stamped look. This would give it more of a vintage feel.
Thanks Cr8tiveMeans. I appreciate your time and effort on these. Regarding #59 - #64, I think the colors make it too western looking. After seeing some of the other entries, I am moving toward a more simple design with less stuff. I now only want to include the actually fly in the logo. Everything else just makes it too busy looking. Thanks again. I really appreciate it. You are very talented.