Please take note that this approach doesn't have the final colors, so the next one will have the proper volum and texture to make it pop up a lot!. I hope I will be able to upload it in few hours!.
Wow buddy, #61 with the honey comb wood in the background is pretty sweet. If you could "open up" his stance a bit with the roller and HVLP and have him holding them more upwards than downwards I think It would show the HVLP better too if it was turned more to the side to see the shape of the gun.
I really like the character. It has great colour but it doesn't seem cluttered and overbearing. I can't wait to see the bridge. And if we could make the wood in the background more noticeable that would be sweet. You are definitely on the right track!
Like that one the best, good work gettin the bridge in there!
I like how he is sort of stepping out of the honeycomb but could you do one with him all the way out like before just to see the comparison and be sure?
Other than that the only thing I would like to see changed is the text. I can't quite put my finger on it, it is full of great ideas, I just am not in love with it. I know that's brutally lacking direction, and for that I apologies. Just maybe curve it around? Change fonts? Mix it up a bit? I have NO idea, it just doesn't quite sit well with me.
#84 is the best, and I am almost running out of things that I can see to improve on. The only thing I can see is maybe see if you can animate a little semi-clear spray/mist out of the HVLP like a little action shot. See what that looks like? I have yet to discuss with my cohorts but thats all I have for now. Great work. Pay no real Attention to the placements quite yet.