#2, I like this logo. I'm not yet sure what I would change about it. I would love to see more ideas using different elements for comparison. Thanks for your efforts!
Looks great! Thanks for these updates! Logo #18, can you please fade the blue into the top half of the circle icon so that it is half blue & half green like in the circle icon of #19. I realize it will then be pretty much the same as #19 except that I like the fading of the black on the lettering better on #18. Thanks again. David
Thanks for your efforts! #93 can you fade some greens into the icon & font? #94 & #95 I like the font, can you try something with the icons that is a blend of the two ideas. thanks again David
Thanks again, I really like these two designs. #134 & #94. As we are coming down to the last day, can you find ways to blend these two? One idea for #134 is to make the roofs pointed & have the roofs protrude through the top of the circle. Another idea is to add a feature to #94 like a circle or clear bubble idea! Thanks for the incredible effort! David
Thanks Yavuz! On these designs, #149, #94, #145, #146, #147, can you make the roofs just a little less steep (less pointed) On #134, can you make the roofs just a little more steep (pointed) Thanks very much! David
Yavuz, Thanks for the incredible designs, I appreciate the hard work. I think the winner is in one of the designs mentioned in my last comment. Can we tweak these designs a little to figure out which one is the winner? thanks David
Thanks again, they look great! #149, #152, #153, #154. Can you remove the gray outer horizontal ring from these so that we can see how the design looks without? I like the gray ring but it may be a cleaner overall look without the ring. thanks very much. David
Almost there, looking great! Can you apply those same slashing white curves through the bottom of the buildings in design #133 to designs #165 & #166? Thanks again for your efforts, David
Thanks for the hard work and incredible designs! I have a small touch up request, if possible. The roof pitches seem to be slightly different. Can you please make the 3 roof tops the same pitch. This is a great logo, thanks again for the awesome effort! David
Thanks for the revision & the files. Can I get them in black & white & in the PNG format please? I would like to embed the logo in my email signature and am having trouble, I assume the PNG format is better for that and for web site use? thanks David