Hi, here's my first character proposal for you. Let me know what you think. Just want to make sure that I'm on the right direction before I get started to work the two other characters. Any feedback would greatly appreciated.
This looks GREAT! I love the font and shading on the letters. The cartoon character is really fantastic. For the other two (money and love), I want to introduce a little humor into the cartoons. Work is always the serious one, so this is on the mark. For money, maybe it's a fat guy with a cigar and two bags of money. Just suggestions, but I wanted to give you as much info as to what we're looking for. We will likely want to create a make and female character for each - but that will be down the line.
Hi! I'm back again! Sorry for the delay. It takes more time to working on each character. Okay, here we go, the money character! #20 #21 I made a fat rich guy with a cigar as requested. With a wet-look hair, relaxed standing pose and a cocky grin makes him looks so rich and so cocky, surrounded by all his money! Let me know what you think. I'm trying to make the character with roger rabit style, so I hope I'm on the right track!
In the meantime, I'll working on the Love character. Will be right back!
Hi Ryo. These are amazing - I really like them! My only request is to keep the fonts similar between the three characters - because we'll essentially be displaying womolo.com - so we need those to look like one coherent word. I really like the font from Wo (#4). If you can keep the cartoon characters from #21 and #35 - but switch out the font to match Wo, we will be really close to what we need. In terms of the characters, I think that Mo and Lo are perfect. Perhaps add the hearts to #36 so that it goes well with #20, which is perfect. I think we need to tweak #3 so that the character is more like the other two. I still want to keep him as a businessman - it's just a matter of making him look more like he is part of the set of characters (at the very least, increasing his head to match the size of the other characters).
Awesome! I'm glad you like it! I'm still working for the businessman. Yeah you're right, the businessman need to be changed in order to match with the two others. I'm still sketching the new version and will be right back to you soon!
Okay, can't wait for it. Just want to add a comment for your consideration : as you can see that I've made different person of each character with personalized attitude and profile -instead of same person with different clothes and pose- in order to represent each category with more strong. This will make the audience easily recognize the message of the logo at their first glance without have to read what WoMoLo stands for.
Well I hope I'm lucky enough to be choosen as the winner since I really interested to working the female character after this contest completed.
Ok! Will do! For another variation, what do you think if I make the LO with stand pose instead of on-knee pose? Maybe it will help to reduce the space between the MO and the LO and create more balanced image?
Thanks for making that change. I'm having a difficult time deciding between your design and the other design. Your design has a lot of character - it brings out a smile - and each character is unique with personality. The other design is more generic, but the advantage with the other design is that the characters are all the same height - which makes it a little better when placed side by side. On #56, I see you reduced the height of Wo - and I think this helps a lot. This design definitely looks better than the others, but I would always be interested in seeing ways to balance out the image a little more.
I see. So that's the problem - how to make the image balanced. Well okay then, I will try another variation for you and will be back with the updated version.