Thanks for the variations on this. I really like the clean lines, it is a lovely design. My partner loves the one using the butterfly "W" and it is uniquely interesting. Could we try a color contrast with the slogan please. Also the "o" on entry #20 in Women, has a slightly long serif. Can we do that on the #2 also? Thanks. :)
Thank you for your work. The color contrast works better I think. I'm wondering about using bird wings instead of a butterfly - and maybe a phoenix to form the "W", with the long tail going down to one side. I'm not sure, just an idea. Thank you.
I am sorry CH, the wing as the 'W' is my concept. so other designer can not use this concept. That is not domination , but that is the rule of LogoTournament. I hope you can understand this. thanks.
Thank you for your work. I understand what you are saying, I didn't realize.
I like # 28 with the long tail, and # 29 with the color definition.
Is it possible to add a little more to the tail, and maybe a little more definition to the phoenix look? It is very good. It is stylized and smart. Thank you.
May I ask if you can please make the font the same for the 3 words, Women in Transition. Maybe in the same font as the Women at present, then maybe a different font for the 3 words - just to see. Thank you very much.
May I ask for it to be a little plainer again please, without the lines on the side, a little more clean. I like # 64, with the 'o' being plain, and the contrast color for the 'loving life your way'. I like the two colors like that.
I know it is probably the right font for the typeface on the letter "T" for "Transition", but it is very fancy. Can we make it a little less fancy and a little less curl on the bottom? I don't know if it is possible, and if not, that is fine. Maybe we could try a different font, that still suits the "W" going into the small butterfly, but maybe a little less curly???
I'm very grateful for your time and I'm sorry to muck you around. Thank you very much. :))