Woman's Board of Day Kimball HospitalLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Woman's Board of Day Kimball Hospital

Woman's Board of Day Kimball Hospital has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 99 designs from 18 different designers from around the world.






Prefers others.


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Prefers others.


Please see comments on contest page
15 years ago
#56 really sends the message we want. Good job. Since we will sometimes use this logo in black and white, can you please adjust the 3rd from left "woman" (pale green) to have a "neck" - perhaps even making the shading a little stronger (this will help the heart within that 3rd woman to stand out more in black and white, too? Since you are by far in the lead, would you please also put a black and white version up (we would want one when the contest is over anyway...) to help us make that decision. We just want to make sure this design will work on all forms. Thank you!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
hi... thanks for your feedback... right now I prepare the new versions with your suggestions... also the black&white and reverse versions... even that Logotournament just requires to send to you the main logo obviously I'll send you also the other versions and variations and also in different file formats, like PNG (with transparent background, perfect for office applications), and other formats

15 years ago
Logo Designer
hi.... I see that due to the algorithm that Logotournament uses the quality of the black&white versions seems not too good... but actually is perfect... my work is all vectorized... you can resize to any size or change element without problem
15 years ago
Thank you!!!! I realize the file we get at the conclusion is better quality. Stay tuned! I did a contest before and I didn't get a png version - I didn't know I was supposed to. The quality of that last one wasn't crisp and clear. It sounds like you know what you are doing. Thanks again...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
hi... thanks for your words...
Usually I send the EPS file and one AI file... they are almost the same format... both vector and to use with Adobe Illustrator/Indesign.. Coreldraw or professional programs... also to use for printing providers... I send also a PSD layered file... this file is to Photoshop users... usually 5000pixels wide... very useful, specially for web uses, you can reduce the size ofcourse :) .... also a PDF file, this is useful to send to other people to know the logo because almost everybody can read without problem, the JPEG file and the PNG file, the PNG usually is a 5000pixels wide file with transparent background... perfect to use with the typical office applications (MSOffice, Openffice,...)... you can use to create your own presentations, memos, fax,... and all them for all the versions of the logo (color, grayscale, b&w, w&b)
I don't know what others designers do, but I think that with all these files the CH have a lot more of chances to use the logo without depend all time from professionals

Just let me know anything more you wanted

15 years ago
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