#158#159#160 are hand drawn brush scripts. Initials with one continuous line.
You said you like interconnected letters, are you looking for a font worked together as int #161?
Are there any other colors you would like to see other than black grey or navy. These can also be on a dark background.
Hi Sofia,
Wasn't sure if you have decided only on black navy grey etc.
For a strong focal point and impact would be a touch of hue in reds/violets especially since the name is Wisteria. Everyone has great memories of wisteria plants.
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You said you like interconnected letters, are you looking for a font worked together as int #161?
Are there any other colors you would like to see other than black grey or navy. These can also be on a dark background.
Wasn't sure if you have decided only on black navy grey etc.
For a strong focal point and impact would be a touch of hue in reds/violets especially since the name is Wisteria. Everyone has great memories of wisteria plants.