Thank you for these edits. This is good and is our winner. Can you do one thing and make the icon a little more of a rectangle...aka, stretch it some to make it wider yet leave the same number of chevrons and at the same size/ratios. Thanks!
With the modification from the annotation i just sent over, there will now be a total of 5 yellow chevron shapes. Can we make each of these about 1/4 narrower (i.e. slightly more skinny/less thick). We want the black chevrons to be thicker. Thx
Looks good. A few more modifications and we will be there.
See annotation notes I added. Also, along with those annotation notes, can we make all the white areas (chevrons) in the icon black. We only want alternating yellow and black.
When you add the two additional chevrons (see annotation 4), it will make the icon image a little wider...more rectangular.
Also, can we make the yellow chevrons about 1/4 narrower (not as wide) and the black ones and equal distance wider (versus it making the icon size narrower if you make the yellow chevrons narrower)? We just want the yellow chevrons to be narrower than the black space between them.
This one is much better, yet we do need to get the coloring right on the icon (logo portion left of the company name).
I need the white chevron on the right side with its top cut off to be yellow...and follow this pattern (changing white ones to yellow) all the way back. Then change the current yellow ones to black.
Now, we want the triangle at the end (right side) to be yellow, yet when change the white one next to it to yellow, then both are yellow. Thus, add one more chevron in length and make it black (to go between the end yellow triangle and the yellow chevron to the triangles right. You can do this by either making the whole thing longer or making the chevrons all a little narrower (making them narrower is probably my preference). Thanks.
One more request, if you do not mind. Half of us want it one way (as is) and the other half want it another.
Can you also create one to where the icon portion to the left if turned on its side so that the chevrons are pointing towards the company name. Like this >>>, rather and pointing up ^
1) With the icon part of the logo (chevrons to the left of the company name), can we switch the black to yellow and yellow to black.
2) Also, need the top chevron (^) to be pushed up a little so that the top 1/3 of it is cut off...and that top portion of the chevron cut off to be added to the bottom. If you google images for "runway blast pad" you will see what I am talking about.
Actually, if you change the current white area to yellow, the current yellow area to black, and the leave the current black area black...that will pretty much accomplish the modifications from the two points above.
3) We like the yellow triangle in the "A" of Wingspan and happy you did it without us asking. Yet, with the "Flooring" portion, can we have the line on the left rather than the right.
4) Lastly, the current "Wingspan" font is just a little too bold/heavy. Can we make it a little less bold.
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See annotation notes I added. Also, along with those annotation notes, can we make all the white areas (chevrons) in the icon black. We only want alternating yellow and black.
When you add the two additional chevrons (see annotation 4), it will make the icon image a little wider...more rectangular.
Also, can we make the yellow chevrons about 1/4 narrower (not as wide) and the black ones and equal distance wider (versus it making the icon size narrower if you make the yellow chevrons narrower)? We just want the yellow chevrons to be narrower than the black space between them.
I need the white chevron on the right side with its top cut off to be yellow...and follow this pattern (changing white ones to yellow) all the way back. Then change the current yellow ones to black.
Now, we want the triangle at the end (right side) to be yellow, yet when change the white one next to it to yellow, then both are yellow. Thus, add one more chevron in length and make it black (to go between the end yellow triangle and the yellow chevron to the triangles right. You can do this by either making the whole thing longer or making the chevrons all a little narrower (making them narrower is probably my preference). Thanks.
if i am wrong direction please let me know, i will update
Thank you
Can you also create one to where the icon portion to the left if turned on its side so that the chevrons are pointing towards the company name. Like this >>>, rather and pointing up ^
Thank you.
1) With the icon part of the logo (chevrons to the left of the company name), can we switch the black to yellow and yellow to black.
2) Also, need the top chevron (^) to be pushed up a little so that the top 1/3 of it is cut off...and that top portion of the chevron cut off to be added to the bottom. If you google images for "runway blast pad" you will see what I am talking about.
Actually, if you change the current white area to yellow, the current yellow area to black, and the leave the current black area black...that will pretty much accomplish the modifications from the two points above.
3) We like the yellow triangle in the "A" of Wingspan and happy you did it without us asking. Yet, with the "Flooring" portion, can we have the line on the left rather than the right.
4) Lastly, the current "Wingspan" font is just a little too bold/heavy. Can we make it a little less bold.