I really like your thoughts and how these are different from the others...but I am really wanting to see more of a design that incorporates steel beams. I would love to see you do something with that to see what you can do
Is there anyway to transform the "W" and make it out of beams similiar to other entries. I just cannot get the current W to grow on me it just seems to be missing something.
Wow that is quite a transformation....I personally really like it but my conservative father in law will tell me it does not look like a W....can we shrink down the W a little and maybe work it a little more to where "simple" minds can extrapolate that the three beams are representing an actual W. I want to reiterate that i appreciate all your efforts today and I am really digging it but I am only 50% of the decision :) Great Creativity and Design
Also maybe it would just take skewing the beams some more and bringing the base together...also try one with the large beams and the company name right in the center of the 3 beams forming the W.
Thank you so much for your wonderful compliments! I got so wrapped up in this project today.. It was fun! Unfortunately, another competitor is taking me to Logo Court because he's saying I stole his idea of making the beams into the 'W' - however I see significant differences in our designs. I may have to withdraw several of my submissions if voters in the online community vote that they're too similar. I'm currently trying to rework some ideas with your feedback in mind! Your feedback is great, by the way! I'll do my best to deliver a 'W' formation that won't be challenged! Stay tuned!
I am checking into that now because he did it with another designer too and it is BS....I am sending the administrator an email to try and get this resolved.
That would be great, cause now he's sending me threatening PM's saying that if I don't remove all of my designs with a 3-D 'W' that he's going to give me 80 violation points. I tried to explain to him that I removed all the logos with a circle around if because perhaps they were similar in concept, but that I thought that using I-beams to form a W was fair game since (you) the contest holder eluded to wanting that. Isn't that what we're here for!? He claims it was his idea.... I disagree.
Ugh. I had to withdrawn because he was going to take me to Logo Court again; I'm working on something new for you - unfortunately I can't make the steel beams into a W because he 'own's' that idea. Anything else you'd like to see?