This looks really good. Can you make it all the same gray? Also, I like how the W & A "shine". Are there other ways to make it shine? Where it pops out?
Looks really good. Can you make the W & A stand out a bit more? Perhaps a slight shadow? Or something to make it pop out? It would be neat to see the inside circle be black or grey, have the drilling rig (and everything else associated with the rig like the splash at the top and the drill bit at the bottom) be white.
VERY cool! I really like this one a lot. I still like the gold/brown color too but Im really liking the drill bit. Id like to have the space from the bottom of the drill bit and the top of the oil splash to be about the same distance from the circle. Last thing. Just so I can see what it could look like without the black border around the letters W & A, can you eliminate that and make it grade from dark to lighter as you go from bottom to top? Perhaps try with that dark gold to gold? Not sure how easy that is to do but this is a really cool design and it would be fun to see what else could make it shine. Thanks!
Im liking this one more and more. Can we play around with some other colors for the W&A. Blue or Green. Just something to liven it up a little bit. Lastly, since we have room at the bottom of the oil derrick, maybe we can make the drill string go down and have a drill bit at the bottom (so that it goes just above the inside circle). I appreciate your work on this. Its quite good.
Looks really good. Can the top of the A be carried a little more to the right? Just trying to make it as symmetrical with the W as possible. This is really good though.
I like this. Can the W & A be the same width at the bottom? It looks like the left side of the A is thinner than the W. Lastly, do you know what a pump jack is (nodding donkey)? It might be cool to put two small ones where the stars are.
Can we make the text fit closer to the edges of W & A? Either make the W & A bigger or the text smaller? Also, I like the new font on the circular one that is now third? Can we try it on this one?
I really like this one. Can you make the oil coming out the top black? Also it would be interesting to see a couple of other font options too. I also really like the circular one you created.
I like the use of the gold/brown color. I need to remove the apostrophe between the r and the fault that I put it in there. Also, can we make the text fit closer under the W &A.
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