like the first rendering think we are on the right track. I updated the brief to include some other ideas to incorporate.
A more aggresive stylized font would be nice to see as well as a WC on the helmet instead of the "J"
Some of them would be to to see the blue and flourescent green in place of red possibly for a different look. Would like a little more wild with the jester hat not as uniform ie" they can be going different directions". I also updated some pics for the joker face teeth etc. If you have any questions please let me know.
Still playing with the idea of it on a playing card with the WC in the corners. Maybe even the WildCard outside of the graphic with a crazy but legible font
The face looks really good along with the mix of colors.
I did like the use of the helmet you had in the previous version though, since a large portion of our business will be motorcycle sales. Can you try a version with it added back?