Hi ! You got something here.. ;) I really like the idea of your logo but can you make a reference to an eye, or video rather than "bubble" which mean "talking", the project is based on video.. Can you also put color more funky or flashy..? And the typo a little bit less straight..! It's the right way ! Thanks for the job done !
Greaaaaat ! You got the idea for the video stuff.. The "play button" is attractive.... But we lost a little bit about the "circle idea".. Can you do something about it? Circle idea, vision sense (eye maybe?), and typo less strict possible? Thaaaaanks !
YESSSS ! We getting something more and more precise ! I'm sure you will pass the cut ;) We can start with more details…
Can you imagine the circle without a seperation with the two colors but colored faded with each other… → More bouddhist style… Like #61 Can you imagine Wide above Mind to have the miror effect between the W and the M ? Can you imagine not putting the black color in the typo but play with the two colors already present ? And talking about colors, is it possible to have a little bit more flashy, brightness ? → blue more like #23 and the orange like #61 ?
Yeah ! Color looks beter for me, I will wait for my assciate to comment but I misspoke something with the color.. Let me explain: you got the idea of a plein circle (not seperated) but I like you're idea of blue and orange (half and half). Keep it.. My last comment it was only "close de circle", keep orange and blue half and half but link them with fading...... Woow, difficult to explain what I want..
Yep ! Well I prefer your #99 circle but I would keep the blue of the #48 actually…or maybe there is to much fade… I would prefer just a little fade between the 2 colors… And idea from my associate, instead of having a ?bubble ? or a ?brain ? as bakground under the « play » button, could it be possible to add tree branching drawings... trying to illustrate in some ways the concept of expansion (WIDE)… Different but in the same idea than #74… Thank ! Keep pushing Difficult isn't it to find a good logo....?! First time for me ;)
Sorry but I don't see many different modification with the new logo, I still prefer the #94.. Cannot see the concept of expansion..refering to WIDE, put a tronc underneath the bubble (actually is it a bubble?) Thanks, keep pushing !