#61. great job! We would like the letter O a little larger. The top of the cloud looks like it could be the sun coming up over the cloud. Can you adjust the cloud shape so it's just a cloud. You can give us a couple cloud options if you want. Thanks!!
Thanks for the changes. #178 has a lot of the components we're looking for. We prefer the cloud in one color (or grey) Please use WHOA.COM instead of WHOA! Can you find another way to emphasis the data transfer... it's a little too subtle coming off the bottom of the exclamation point.
Thanks. Sorry, wasn't able to do your request on time because of time differences. It was night time here in Japan when your contest went into judging mode. If you're still interested, i can upload them but you have to temporarily put me to no. 1 spot so that I can upload. Thanks again.