We really like design #19. Although we like the look of the black background, but we wouldn't print often on black paper. Like the scribbled cross. Reminds me of a work in process (which we are). Font is difficult to read -- too thin. Would like to see you take a shot at pulling the church name more up into the design.
#27 - Like the simplicity -- but nothing really makes it stand out -- like that it uses all the colors -- like that the design and the church name are combined -- like the use of the crosses
#28 - Love the "worshipper" but it looks to much like a "Y" -- what would it look like if the arms weren't connected?
Still looking at #28 -- Could you make a few changes but keep the orignal font the same. - I would still like to see the arms disconnected from the worshipper in this font -- something about the angle makes in seem like he is looking at the cross more than the other fonts. - I think I would like it better if there was only one "cross". Could you change the "t" in "stone" to a lowercase "t" so that the cross would stand out more. - Also, could the top of the "h" be shortened so that it is not as tall as the cross - I would also like to see a version on a white background with the word "white" in gray, "stone" in black, and "church" in red
I really like the changes to 66. I would like to see a couple of other versions.
First: Just flip flop the font colors on the words "White" and "Stone", making the word 'White" black, and the "Stone" gray. I would also like to see a little more space between the two words so it doesn't look like one long word. If the capital letter of each word was larger that might help. I don't like the "e" from white touching the "S" in stone.
Second: Once those changes are made, I would like to see a version of that one where the only red letters were the "little worshipper guy" and the "t" that makes the cross. The rest of the top line in black, with the bottom line in gray (and vice versa).
Ok, one more thought. #43. We like it better with the black background than the white. However, we still have the concerns of it not looking right when printed on white paper for letterhead, etc. So, wondered if you could create a shape around it that could then be filled in with the black but would look better when printed on white paper.
#86 Could you try moving the cross onto the same general line as the church name rather than above? Also, I love the way it looks as though it's a work in progress. Any chance you could make the cross look like it's sketched like that onto a white stone?
Entry #104 : Actually i have made the sketched cross here, but with this small view we can not see the detail clearly. Entry #105 : This is the second sketched cross with the bigger line. Entry #106 : The difference of this logo from the others, is about the line between the word " White Stone " and the word " Church ". In this version, i make the straight line without the sketch nuance.
Well, that's all. If you have anything to ask....just tell me. I will wait for your next response!