White River GroupLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / White River Group White River Group has selected their winning logo design. For $575 they received 84 designs from 23 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by Kava Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 2nd #1 Withdrawn New #84 Withdrawn New #83 Withdrawn New #82 Discussion Wrglogo2013 Client Hi - This logo design Entry #1 is really great, and is one of my finalists !! 1. Could you please send me some variations of the exact same design, but with different combinations of my logo colors - blue & purple ??2. Could you also try a few combinations of the exact same design, but with the word "Group" in black font ??Thanks so much !!James 11 years ago Kava Logo Designer Hi James, Thank you for feedback and kind words!I'll upload revisions very soon.Kindly regardsSebastian 11 years ago Wrglogo2013 Client Hi Sebastian - I let my staff vote for the winning logo, and one of the other finalists was #1. However, I really liked your design a lot myself and wanted to find out - Can I still purchase your design from you? Please let me know !! Thanks, James 11 years ago Kava Logo Designer Hi James, Yes, of course. If you still interested in this logo please contact me: seb.kaminski@gmail.comKindly regardsSebastian 11 years ago