#13 / #14 / #15 / #16 / #17
Hi Ronny - here are some variations on my first entry which features accelerated letters in a vintage-inspired, yet modernized logo.
#13 Features the date and a lightning bolt (representing the fast food) This version also has a deeper red.
#14 is a Red & off-white only option (possibly for wrappers - if the off-white was dropped out to white, it could become a single color ink stamp, sticker, etc. for cost efficiency)
#15 Is the same logo with a distressed / worn effect - an nice option to have for retro-themed merchandise (glasses, tshirts, etc.)
#16 Has a slogan - Real Good. Real Fast. in white with lightning bolts
#17 Has just he slogan in black.
Thanks for your time & consideration. Any feedback you have or revisions tha tyou'd like to see, please let me know.