in this design I tried to reduce the information in the mark, and made the syrup of falcon with three feathers, to symbolize the triad of the company business (value, service, integrity).
#107, #109, and #112 are a little more red in colour than orange, I'm definintely trying to stay on the orange end of that spectrum. Very interesting design concept, nice and original. I think I like #110 the best, with the white "blurring" effect, also it's smaller in overall surface area than #107 and #108. Might be even better without the tagline below and if there's a way to mix two colors in the design somehow, that could be interesting. Thanks for the neat idea!
i move the falcon to the left side, tell me if this is better than other, and about colors the mix i try with a dark blue to get more solid effect. tell me if im in the right way.
I like the colors on #119, the "technology" probably needs to be a slightly brigher shade of blue to be more visible, also it might be nice to see it without the tagline underneath.
Sorry but we've also been favoring those images where the Falcon is clearly swooping in for a landing, like swooping in to take on whatever issues the client might have. It might be nice to see if it's possible to make it look like the bird is landing.
I like #125 with the graduating colour in the "Technology" It might look nice with claws like #107
Also maybe let's not "blur" the "WHITE", make it the same weight etc. as the "FALCON" and do woth words in mixed-case, I tend to like that a bit better and don't want to emphasize the "WHITE" over the "FALCON" I'd like them to be taken together.
For #158, could you do one with everything the same except change it so the "hite" and "alcon" are lower-case? I'd like to see how that looks. Also if you can do a version without blurring on the falcon, I might need to go that route for printing or logos on shirts etc. and it would be good to see what it looks like.
Thanks, #183 looks nice. I like the font that way, softens it up some. If this design lands on top at the end I would likely ask for #183 as it is for print and clothing and with the "blurred" effect on the Falcon for web uses.
Don't see any modifications that I would want at this time, I'm playing with fonts a little, seeing what comes in on the designs. If you think of one that you believe would look better, feel free to toss it out there.
Currently I prefer the ones with the single globe, but thanks for letting me see the ones like #236. I have ranked them in a way that I can see my favorites all in a row when I look at your submissions, this will help me decide what font I like best, also compare the image size, have to decide if I like the larger or smaller image better. Thanks for the variations, it helps me to see what's possible.
Sorry I still have to get these ranked I'll try to get that done later today. Reference #255, #256, and #257. I like the lines showing in circle, helps it have more of a "globe" feel. Also thinking that with the Falcon inside the globe, I also think that it might look better without the opaque circle over the top area that's creating the "reflected light" effect, I think that's washing out the Falcon a little. Also I like it better without the reflection. In terms of colour scheme, I like the brigher orange from #255 better, but don't know on the blue until I can see it without that ligher opaque circle. And still thinking through the font...
* NO CLIPART (ISTOCKPHOTO, SHUTTERSTOCK, ETC.) EVEN IF YOU OWN THE RIGHTS. * NO TRACING OR VECTORIZATION OF EXISTING CLIPART OR PHOTOGRAPHY (UNLESS YOU TOOK THE PICTURE) * 350x280 pixels or (width/height ratio of 1.25:1) in JPG, PNG, or GIF format * Only one variation per upload (example: if you want to show a logo in red, blue, and yellow. You would create and upload 3 separate files) * No designer firm watermarks * Neatly centered both horizontally and vertically with spacing all around. (No ugly oversized logos that hit the edges, negative space is a designer's friend!) * No Borders - we are building a clean and consistent community portfolio. * Your work must be created in a vector program such as Adobe Illustrator, and the final files MUST be delivered in .EPS format. Photoshop is not for logos and.
Admins & Mods will remove entries without notice for not following the above submission rules
HI, as I already said I dont knew it was the image of a site. so i decided the best way, I drew this falvon by my own hands, and I have the AI file> to prove it, I hope you enjoy this too. I really do not lose time with so many attempts it was known that a picture of a site.
The new falcon image is lacking in some of the detail that set the original submissions apart, and I'm continuing to refine my likes as the contest goes on, with that particular falcon image it's not as compelling as it was and I believe the others capture what I'm after better. Thanks!
Hi there, check out my entry #353 & yours is #354 after my entry you submitted.You've started against me the logocourt issue because you was in hurry you didn't noticed that who submitted first..So I've started "LOGOCOURT" against you..Better watch first who submitted earlier...I could say that you copied me but I didn't...CH asked me to turn the falcon on the right so I did.. That falcon globe & the colors are all the CH needs...Thats a different design not a copy my friend everything have been illustrated not a ready made clipart or vector which everybody using here...I'm an original designer not a copier.
well Immo, if we are honest here - it is quite obvious that on your entry #353 is an immitation of macguy's eagle on the entries removed by moderator your entry is a variation which includes everyth that CH prefers in submitted design... where is your conscience? m? is that the way you pick up your gold entering the contest in the last moment? if i were you i would be quiet
I'm going to move your logo #362 into position #1 for a while, I still like the overall design, but still want to work on the Falcon image a little, also would like to tone down the reflected image just a touch, still want it to be visible, but maybe lighten it up just a tad.
ok, thanks for the chance, i will work here in a new falcon and send to you. I really appreciate your decision, and the position of the designer which make a too similar design like mine.