#44 & #46 I love these designs, especially the one with the wisk, however I don't think they accuratly portray a dinner party site. They seem like they would be perfect for a bakery. Love the lettering!
#45 I like this one. It is nice and graphic. The plate is perhaps to subtle in the background.
Really great work! You are very talented. I hope you will submit more! Thanks, Steve
Really would love to see something more refernced to the user experience of attending a dinner party. You have such a great style. Your design was one of my favorites. I really, really hope you send over another one!
#67 and #71 Great work again! Perhaps the wine glasses could be smaller, about the size of the lettering and to the left of the lettering. Could the wine be more of a red and less purple?
#44 I keep coming back to look at this design. I absolutely love it. I wish my site was a bakery, it would be perfect! Is there anyway you could adapt this design and instead of the wisk you do a similiar style line drawing of either glasses, plate, or utensils? It is such a great style I just need something that is more in line with the user experience.. Thanks!