Wenken EnterprisesLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Wenken Enterprises Wenken Enterprises has selected their winning logo design. For $275 they received 178 designs from 23 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by Uta Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 2nd #61 Withdrawn New #69 Withdrawn New #32 Withdrawn New #66 Withdrawn New #33 Withdrawn New #64 Withdrawn New #65 Withdrawn New #6 Withdrawn Prefers others. #68 Withdrawn Prefers others. #67 Withdrawn Prefers others. #8 Withdrawn Prefers others. #7 Withdrawn Prefers others. #5 Withdrawn Prefers others. #4 Withdrawn Prefers others. #3 Withdrawn Prefers others. #2 Withdrawn Prefers others. #1 Discussion wenken Client In entry #1, I'd like to see "growing together" added somewhere perhaps under enterprises. 10 years ago Uta Logo Designer New entry #61 10 years ago wenken Client I really like #66 and I like the grey background, however, if this were put on a white shirt or white business card would it be a grey square with the logo inside? If so, could you do it in white. Thanks. 10 years ago Uta Logo Designer Update your request #67, #68 10 years ago wenken Client #66. Can you just change the grey background into white. I like the blue. 10 years ago Uta Logo Designer Update #69 10 years ago Uta Logo Designer Feel free contact me if you have another request.Thanks & Best Regards,uta 10 years ago