We like what you have done, what we saw in #2 was a house with 2 buildings behind which would represent both the commercial and residential which is very interesting to us. The S in WCS seems smaller than the W & C - is it a color thing?
We do like the windows in the other buildings but could you try to make it look a little random - sort of like when you see a building at night and there a just a few lights. Thank you Sebastian for getting back so quick.
Hi Sebastion, I like both of the new submissions, the windows look great and I think I like the shading but I am not 100% on the palette. I like it but I am not sure it is right for us, maybe more bold? Don't spend a lot of time on the color just yet because part of me loves it the way it is. Could you add Commercial Residential maybe separated by a dot under Wendi's Cleaning Service? Thank you Sebastian!
Hi Sebastian, Thank you for thinking of other color palettes. I am not wild about the one with lavender in it, but I do like the tan and burgandy. I like the blue and green best so far. Don't spend a lot of time on this because I really am not sure where to go with this. Our current colors are Royal Blue and Burgandy. But we really do want to rebrand. If you want to look at our website www.wendiscleaningservice.com to get an idea of where we are coming from. I made that logo so don't laugh! Thank you for still working on our logo, we are very excited about what you have shown us so far. Mary
Hi Sebastian, Thank you for thinking of other color palettes. I am not wild about the one with lavender in it, but I do like the tan and burgandy. I like the blue and green best so far. Don't spend a lot of time on this because I really am not sure where to go with this. Our current colors are Royal Blue and Burgandy. But we really do want to rebrand. If you want to look at our website www.wendiscleaningservice.com to get an idea of where we are coming from. I made that logo so don't laugh! Thank you for still working on our logo, we are very excited about what you have shown us so far. Mary
I think each color has a different meaning and express different things... Maybe the green and blue say simple, clean, positive, confidence, while the tan and burgandy are warmer colors, also expressing confidence, but dont think if its so related to "cleaning services" as much as green and blue, but its just my designer vision :D
Hi Sebastian, I notice that you have withdrawn your entries! Is it something we said? We like your designs very much and were seriously considering them. It is just so very hard to make any decisions when we receive 50 entries in 24 hours! We have asked for an extension so that we can carefully evaluate which design most clearly states our purpose. I would be very appreciative if you would post your submissions again. We particularly like #8. Thank you, Mary
Is just frustrating when you are the first who enter in a contest and start tracing a direction in the design, responding quicky and making all the changes... When 100 other designers appear at the end and use same elements... And finish lower in the rankings...
Is nothing personal, you seems a great person, just feel that sometimes our work is not valued..
Hi Sebastian, Thank you for resubmitting #8, I understand that it must be frustrating when other designers use your design as a starting point after you have worked so hard to get the layout, color, and wording perfect. We certainly never meant to diminish the value of your work. Welcome back! Mary