Hello, kindly look at the revised logos. I changed to a blue color (I hope it's the right color). Also I added a little touch of sun rays and at the same time tried to make it not too overwhelming and visible for embroidery, Please let me know what you think and also about any revisions. Best regards, Mary.
We’ll use this for our letterhead & business cards. Our employees will wear royal blue uniforms. Can you show us how you could adjust the colors so the logo will stand out. Thanks
Good Day. Many thanks for your feedback. Regarding the fonts you want to use, I have to say that they are not free for commercial use. As a designer I have a responsibility to submit an entry without any inconveniences for you in a future. So I found some similar options of the fonts you asked for in free licences. In order to use the font for commercial purposes, it is better to buy the font. So If you still want to use those fonta and are ready to buy the licences then I'll be able to use this font. Looking forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Mary.
Mary, can you adjust the following:
Put “Welcome Home” in a font close to Bradley Hand. In the “H” create a roof over the word home. Make sure it says residential assisted-living in a smaller “Al Nile” font
Hello, thank you for a feedback. Kindly check revised logo options and please let me know your opinion and if you want to see any modifications. Best Regards, Mary
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Maybe with a burst of ☀️ sun rays behind the tree.
Put “Welcome Home” in a font close to Bradley Hand. In the “H” create a roof over the word home. Make sure it says residential assisted-living in a smaller “Al Nile” font