This design is definitely one of my favorites.
Here are a few things I'd like to see when you can:
Welcome Home a little proportionately larger. (I don't think I like the heart of window symbol under the roof)
I'd like to a have a version to choose from that has "Residential Assisted Living" with "Assisted" to see how that looks.
I like the line on each side of Residential Living.
I'd like to see the tagline "Where Friends Become Family" incorporated at the bottom. My preference would be for it to be about half the font size as Welcome Home (or close to it), but also the same font as Welcome Home.
I'd also like to see a version that removes the residential living line completely and just has the "Welcome Home" line and the "Where Friends Become Family" line
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please check out some of the revised designs that I uploaded.
Thank You.
Here are a few things I'd like to see when you can:
Welcome Home a little proportionately larger. (I don't think I like the heart of window symbol under the roof)
I'd like to a have a version to choose from that has "Residential Assisted Living" with "Assisted" to see how that looks.
I like the line on each side of Residential Living.
I'd like to see the tagline "Where Friends Become Family" incorporated at the bottom. My preference would be for it to be about half the font size as Welcome Home (or close to it), but also the same font as Welcome Home.
I'd also like to see a version that removes the residential living line completely and just has the "Welcome Home" line and the "Where Friends Become Family" line