Thank you for your submission - we really like your "outside the box" thinking - you have provided a fresh view, which is very welcome :)
Regarding #64 we like that the squares give a feeling of technology - can we have the squares showing the missing parts of the earth? Can we see the logo without the 3 swooping lines, and also to add in shiny/glossy/glass semi-transparent 3D leaves (not covering up too much of the lovely shiny earth), as if the earth is a flower growing from the ground. For the font, we would like to see the .com above the WebHolism (instead of below). Also, would you be able to provide some different font examples?
Thank you for your time, we are looking forward to your next submission, Kind regards, LanguageImprover
Really love where you are taking these designs. Like the new leaves! :) Feel that #76 is the favourite, but not a lot in it to be honest. :)
Also, like the additional colours on the pieces that are detached from the main globe. We would ask howver if it is possible to alter these pieces further to be of similar size, and resemble the missing part of the globe, so that it gives the impression that the pieces are collecting to create the globe. We are thinking that these 'bits' represent the parts of the globe as this is a technical concept that we really like, the planet being made up of 'bits' (0's and 1's in digital representation). :)
Also, would it be possible to make the broken edge of the globe very slightly beveled and less sharp edged?
Does that make sense or should I try to explain it better?
Thank you so much for your work, the design is beautiful!
Looking forward to your response and wishing you the best of days!!
All the new images look great, although the new effect makes it look like the planet has been shattered. We are thinking more of a flow of particles that are flowing to form the planet, or flowing out of the planet. something that almost could represent the transfer of data into or out of the globe.
Lovely effect though, your work is very beautiful. :)
Still not sure on the font.
We have updated the brief, please have a look and see if this gives you any further ideas.
Very much looking forward to your next submission. We are very thrilled to see your work, you should see us, waiting in anticipation.
We really love your design work, and would love to see more if you have the time to refine the globe design, we would love to see some more of your beautiful deliveries.
We thank you for your time and work done so far on helping us develop a brand. :)
You were sending while we were typing, we appreciate your effort and time and like the #110 image the most! Is it possible to change the leaves to the central #75 as my colleague seems to have concerns with the tilted leaves that I prefer.
Also, and really sorry, about this, is it possible to go back to the original font, but not have a distinction between Web and Holism in regards to the font style, or make it more glossy, some sort of effect (drop shadow, bevel, etc.)?
Thank you so much for your incredible efforts and enthusiasm.
I apologize for not respond you for several days. I'm not give up on you :D I am truly sorry for this. I will do my best to get what you want :) Thank you so much for your patience.
We would also prefer the shadow on the ground of the globe in the black/gray like in #86. It was interesting to see the blue and green, but we are not sure that we like it.
Thank you again for your hard work, your work is very nice. :)
I'm sorry keep you a wait. Thank you so much for your feedback This the revision. change the font style and make some change for the globe. Feedback are very welcome. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for your submissions. They are very similar to what was asked for.
We have had some discussions, reviewed the designs that you have submitted and we feel that the original design was not improved upon by our requests, although all of the revisions were fantastic.
We are still considering all of the designs and trying to decide the style that would work best as a logo for the company.
Any other designs that you have are greatly appreciated. We think that we have overcomplicated our requests and that simple is the key.
Thank you so much for all your hard work, wishing you a beautiful day.
The shine of the globes are fantastic. We really love the one with leaves #158, but we are just uncertain as to the design with regards to what we feel will fit, and this is more based on a gut-feeling. Really incredible work, you are truly gifted at producing high-quality, phenomenal art work.
Any more ideas are appreciated, as we marvel every time something new comes though!! :)
We wonder if you'd consider a proposal. While we are not sure which logo's we will choose as the preferred, would it be possible to purchase any of your logo's as back-ups in case, after consideration, we prefer your designs? We have had so many good submissions and we are still unsure of which to go for! :s Is that an option with this website?
If this is a valid proposal and you are interested please can you contact us?
We love #158 - it is an asolutely beautiful design!
Could we see the image without the dark line running through the middle? (it runs horizontally from left to right)
Also regarding the text, can we have the writing from #64, but move the .com to run up the side of the "m" at the end of "WebHolism". Could we have our tag line of "Ethical People with Technical Know-How" added underneath the ""?
We would also be interested to see a couple of different abstract images replacing the leaves inside the ball....
Many thanks for your lovely work on this project, Kind regards, LanguageImprover
I'm sorry keep you a wait. Thank you so much for your feedback This the revision and another options, I hope you like it :) Feedback are very welcome. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for your submissions - we love the ball you have done - could we see some different objects/shapes inside the ball?
Also regarding the text, can we have the exact writing from #64 for your submissions, but move the .com to run up the side of the "m" at the end of "WebHolism".