WebHolism.comLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / WebHolism.com

WebHolism.com has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 289 designs from 21 different designers from around the world.








































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Logo Designer
My proposal, any feedback and suggestions really welcome, thanks.

(This comment references Entry #90)
14 years ago
Hi hotside,

We really appreciate the variation that you have provided with regards to the globes. Sorry to be a nuisance, but we wondered if you'd be able to provide alternative designs to a sphere, as most of the designs that were submitted contained this object. We are going with the concept 'Ethical People with Technical Know-How' and would love if the logo could reflect this concept more.

We are looking for some wonderful creativity and a little thinking outside of the box, and appreciate any ideas that you have in this area.

Please provide any submissions that you can think of and we'll be happy to respond with our thoughts.

Wishing you a great day.

Kind regards.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for feedback and suggestions you give to me, i reall appreciate it. Here's new design from me, hope you like it, cheers!

(This comment references Entry #101)
14 years ago
Hi hotside,

Thank you for your recent entries.

We like #101 from the feel that the world is being formed and we are building the world. We want to build a concept of caring and benefiting people and the planet. So this image is working towards that, even if loosely.

Also the colour and style of #106 is intriguing, and this may be developed further.

Please note:
We really like that #102 is moving away from the typical globe perspective and would like any more ideas that you have that are less globe like and focusing on the idea of 'Ethical People with Technical Know-How' as nothing as of yet seems to capture this concept.

We would like to thank you for your patience in helping us develop these ideas and for your input. Your designs are very interesting and we enjoy receiving them and hope that we can merge your talent with our ideas. :)

Have a great day.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for great feedback and comment about my design, i really appreciate it you love some of my designs. If there any request such color option or anything, i really open for any of those, and I love to do any request if there are any and I will be very happy to help create a logo that you want.

Have a nice day to :-))
14 years ago
Hi hotside,

Thank you so much for your designs and feedback. At the moment we have received a lot of designs, most of them that have spheres and globes. While we like these, are you able to produce some alternative logo ideas that are more about the idea of 'Ethical People with Technical Know-How'. By this may having some conceptual people imagery and some reference to technology or being smart, or looking like geeks, this all should have a feel of caring, environmentally-aware as a foundation.

We are not able to state what will be the perfect combination of elements or indeed what those elements are, but we are open to new ideas that capture the ethics of the business.

Sorry to be so vague, and we hope that you can help, after all, you produce some very impressive work. :)

Thank you for your assistance.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for feedback, here's new design from me. hope you like it.

(This comment references Entry #124)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Alternative design ideas that are more about the idea of 'Ethical People with Technical Know-How'

(This comment references Entry #125)
14 years ago
Hi hotside,

Interesting concept. Like the deviation from the globes that is certain, would you be able to put the logo above the text, and increase it's size.

I can see the symbolism of the mind in regards to intellect, but they seem a little cold, and dispassionate.

We'd be interested to see where you can go with these ideas.

Thank you for your prompt introduction of these new designs. :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for feedback you give to me, here's i re submit new design as you request (increase the icon and put on logo above the text name of company), also i add the slogan of your company. Hope you will love it.

(This comment references Entry #126)
14 years ago
Hi hotside,

The size is a lot better!! :) Thank you so much.

With regards to the slogan, we are not sure either way on that. We'll have to let you know.

The image still seems to feel cold and a little clinical, not the happy, caring feeling that we are going for. Is there any way to make if a little more bright and cheery with a shiny look? Also, can you think of any way to introduce a concept of ethical/environmental/socially progressive elements to the logo?

We realise that we are asking for the moon here, and please feel free to tell us that we are crazy, we'll understand. However we are strong believers of the principle that if you do not ask, you will unlikely get.

Thank you so much for your co-operation in helping us.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Other design from me, i'll try make new symbol that you looking for. Here's one of them, thanks for your feedback and suggestions.

(This comment references Entry #127)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Previous design, i add efect to make more glossy, thanks.

(This comment references Entry #128)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Other design

(This comment references Entry #129)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Other design

(This comment references Entry #130)
14 years ago
Hi hotside,

Love the new designs, a real mix to choose from.

#127 - this is very eye catching, but lacks the feel good bright, vibrant feel that we are going for. All we can say is that it looks lovely, but it seems to lack reference to us as a business. Not sure what we can do to increase it's appeal. If you have any ideas we'd be more than happy to see.

#128 - a marked improvement with the inner, smaller head and the alteration of the circle colours. However this still feel a cold logo with no real vibrancy or feel good. Sorry to be so vague. :( Really like it but we think that we need to give it more of a caring, compassionate, bright aspect.

#129 - we think that this one may convey the company ethic more, if we are able to go back to the globe idea in exchange for the circle and have the person component as a cut-out of the earth, or maybe extruded from the earth in a different colour. Would either of those be possible?

#130 - we like that this is more colourful and bright, feels a little more exciting. :) Would it be possible to modify the image in #129 to be an Earth with the cut-out/extrusion and replace the central circle in this image?

We appreciate your patience with our endless demands. Thank you for your on-going great work. :)

Have a great day.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks fpor feedback, here's new design as you suggestions.

(This comment references Entry #137)
14 years ago
Hi hotside,

So we have had some serious discussions about your designs so far, and the general opinion is that #127 is the most appealing to us. :)

Could we try running two alterations past you? Could you try adding the arrows from #137 to the outside of the sphere in #127?

As a separate experiment, can you try altering the colour of the lower part of the sphere to have a green colour to represent the earth, while the top stays the fantastic blue that you have used, to represent the sky?

Also, for both of these can you change the font so that the Web is in blue and the Holism in green? Can you also change the style of the font for Web, so that it is a softer, less bold font? Something that feels more friendly and less 'advanced'? On a final note, while the .com at the end is great, would it be possible to make it look less like the font used for the tagline?

We hope that is not too much to ask.

Thank you so much for your time, and we really look forward to seeing your response. :)

Kind regards.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for great feedback you give to me, i really appreciate it. Here's i try to make the design as you suggestions, i make two design, one with arrow circle, other without arrow circle, also i change the font as you request. If there anything else you need, just let me know.


(This comment references Entry #143)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Other design as you request, thanks.

(This comment references Entry #144)
14 years ago
Hi hotside,

Wow, you are so quick in producing these updates. Do you ever stop?? :)

#143 and #144 the lower part of the sphere that you have now done in green, does not appear to have the same 3D sheen as the upper blue part that was the original. Are you able to modify the lower green effect to reflect the same sort of style as the upper blue?

The skinnier font of Web is nice, is it possible to make it more gradient based rather than the cut of colour in the middle of the writing?

We really appreciate your hard work and patience.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for feedback, here's revision design you request. Please let me know if there anything you need to adjust..

(This comment references Entry #145)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Cnage the font of ''Web''

(This comment references Entry #146)
14 years ago
Hi hotside,

Thank you for the recent updates.

We like the gradient of colour in the writing of #146 and #147.

Would it be possible to implement the following changes:
1. The lower half of the the globe (the part that has been modified to green), would it be possible to alter the effect in regards to reflective quality of this section? We would love to see this with more of a 3D effect. It looks a little dull and 2D at the moment.
2. Would it be possible to change the WebHolism font style to #143, but maintain the gradient in #146?
3. Could the tagline 'Ethical People with Technical Know-How' be moved down fractionally, so as to have a space between it and the writing above?
4. Are you able to change the the writing of the tagline from all upper case to initial upper case so that it reads Ethical People with Technical Know-How?
5. Would you be able to change the .com at the end to look different in regards to font and/or colour? It currently looks the same as the tagline font and may be confused as belonging to that line of text.

Thank you so much for your time and cooperation. You are amazing! :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks, new updating revision:
1) The green part of globe more 3D look
2) Change the font type, but still using previous gradient.
3) Change the Tagline moved down fractionally.
4) Change Tagline case to initial upper case.
5) Change the color of .com to gradient blue.

If there anything you need to change please let me know, thanks.

(This comment references Entry #148)
14 years ago
Hi hotside,

We are almost there..... Sorry, but could you just try the following?

1. The lower part of the sphere in green, has totally different shading to the original blue. Is it not possible to apply the same affect to the green colour in #148 that was applied to the blue in #127?

2. The tagline needs to simply read: Ethical People with Technical Know-How

3. Could the .com be the solid blue without the gradient?

Thank you so very much, we really appreciate it.

Kind regards.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Okey, let me try this:
1) more 3D effect on green sphere.
2) more simple tagline
3) solid color of .com

If ther wnything else you need or you felt was less than satisfied with my work just give me more suggestions, i'll do the revision as soon i can do, thanks.

(This comment references Entry #149)
14 years ago
Hi hotside,

The revisions look great!! :)

Would it be possible to see #149/#150 without the arrows like in #146?

Is there a difference in #149 and #150?

Thank you so much for your continued effort. :)

Kind regards.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks, here's new design as you request..no, both designs just same, i just click twice the button "submit entry" :))

(This comment references Entry #159)
14 years ago
Hi hotside,

Thank you for the most recent submission and the clarification that we are not going mad with some sort of design blindness! :)

We really feel that #159 has a greater 3d feel, and we feel bad asking after you've done so much already but is is possible to do the following?

1) increase the reflectiveness of the sphere, mainly the lower green part, to make it look like more of a glass like surface.

2) Change the gradient on the WebHolism font so that it is light at the top and darker at the bottom? As opposed to the current style of being light in the centre.

I am not sure how many times that we can say thank you without it sounding like we are saying the same thing over and over, but thank you. :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi there,

Thanks for feedback you give to me, hehehe dont worry about that, My job is to make clients feel satisfied and truly find what they seek, I will gladly make any changes that are in need so that you as a customer can be satisfied and happy.

Here's another change as you request, if there have not you feel confident and satisfied with what I have done, please advice that I can quickly change what you want.

1) more glossy efeck on green sphere.
2) change the gradient on the font light at the top and darker at the bottom.

kind regards

(This comment references Entry #160)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
More option sphere and add some reflection the bottom of icon.

(This comment references Entry #161)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Another option, add shadow and little bit different effect of the green sphere. Thanks

(This comment references Entry #162)
14 years ago
Hi hotside,

Thank you for the amendments and for your patience.

We prefer the less flare like background, with the emphasis on spheres reflective qualities (#160).

I have place a file at: http://webholism.com/images/wh_logo.jpg which is a screenshot of your image (#160). On this image you will see 2 boxes, labelled 1 and 2.

Box 1 shows the lower part of the sphere, with a darker section and glow from 2 separate light sources (one from above and one from below). Is it possible to have the lighter section originating at the top of the green section and the gradient showing it getting darker as it goes down?

Box 2 shows the top of the font, which has also been affected by a lens flare effect or something similar. This causes the font to become indistinct at the top and lose sharpness. Would it be possible to lose the flare and just put in a smooth gradient to the font colour so that it goes from a lighter shade at the top to a darker shade at the bottom?

That would be great.

You are amazing.

Kind regards.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Okey, let try this, I will adjust just like what you want, thanks

(This comment references Entry #170)
14 years ago
Hi hotside,

Thank you for submission #170, we like it, but we are still having problems with the design.

1) There is still a dark mark on the lower green part of the sphere that does not seem to belong, just under the white line that runs around the centre.

2) Now you have removed the second light source, the green is less shiny. :( The blue upper part of the sphere looks a different material, and we prefer the gloss 3D effect of that material.

3) The font still looks a little wrong. We are still losing the top of the writing as it is fading into the white background and the top is not distinct, is it possible to prevent this from happening? Can you switch the colours so that Web is in green and Holism is in blue, as this may work better?

Your time is much appreciated. :)

Kind regards.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Okey, i'll try again, here's new submission as you request, thanks.

(This comment references Entry #173)
14 years ago
Hi hotside,

Thank you for submission #173, however we think we may have explained ourselves poorly.

We would like to remove the flare/light source effect from the logo as it washes out and fades the image and the text - this is not desireable for us - we would like the image and text to remain sharp and not faded. Please can you remove the light source effect?

We wanted the green part of the ball to be shiny/glossy/glass effect, the same as the blue part of the ball - please can you make the green part of the ball to have a very shiny/glossy/glass effect. Maybe using a slightly lighter green would work better?

There is a little bit left of the dark mark as described before - it's almost gone, please could you remove the final bit from the green half of the ball?

Also, can you match the .com to the colour of "Web" in WebHolism?

Thank you for your work on this,

Kind regards,
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Okey, let try this, i just adjust as you request, thanks.

(This comment references Entry #174)
14 years ago
Hi hotside,

The dark mark is now gone, which is great thank you!

The green part of the ball now looks matt, not shiny - please can you make the green part of the ball very shiny/glossy/glass effect?

The writing seems to be darker? Can you make the writing light green (for Web) and light blue (for Holism) at the top of the text and change softly to darker green/blue at the bottom of the text?

Kind regards,
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's 2 design as your request, hope one of them in accordance with your wishes. thanks

(This comment references Entry #175)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Another design

(This comment references Entry #177)
14 years ago
Dear hotside,

Thank you for your submission - we're getting closer, but there's something that's not quite right still.

We like the lighter green colouring of the green half of the ball in #178, however in #178 the green half of the ball and the blue half do not look like they part of one ball, i.e. they do not look like they fit together.
#127 and #160 both look like one ball, with a white line running through it, which is great - this is the look we want to achieve - one ball (half blue, half green) with the white path running through it. #160 got very close, however there was an odd dark mark running through the green part.

Please can you make the green and the blue parts of the ball look like they are one complete ball (just like #160, but without the dark mark and without the bleaching/fading of the image edges)

Also, can you make the white path matt (as in #178 the white path is shiny)

The "WebHolism.com" in #178 is perfect! Please do not change this at all - this is fine just the way it is - well done!
The "Ethical People with Technical Know-How" - please can you make this smaller and center it (i.e. the writing should start at the "e" of "Web" and end at the "s" of "Holism")

Many thanks - we look forward to seeing your changes,
Kind regards,
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Will revision soon, please be patient..really great have feedback from you! thanks :))
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi there,
Here's revision design as you request, if there anything to adjust and making perfect to you, please let me know, thanks.

(This comment references Entry #188)
14 years ago
Hi hotside,

Thank you for your attentive nature - we really appreciate you working so hard on this.

With #178, can we just see what it will look like with the white path changed from shiny to matt, and everything else staying exactly the same?

Many thanks,
14 years ago
Logo Designer
new revision from me, thanks.

(This comment references Entry #210)
14 years ago
Hi Hotside,

The white part in #210 is still shiny - can we see it matt - just as you did in #127?

Kind regards,
14 years ago
Logo Designer
sorry for delay, i have problem about internet conection, here's design as you request, matt part on white, thanks.

(This comment references Entry #232)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
other matt on white

(This comment references Entry #233)
14 years ago
1 2 1 2
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