#32 - We like the quality and detail of your work - especially the reflection of the globe on the laptop - very nice! Would you be able to make the logo softer/warmer - i.e. maybe remove the blue swirls and place the laptop in a patch of grass, or vines, or amongst some representative of nature?
Also, with the writing - could we have the dot (in the .com) smaller? We like the colouring of the blue and green, but could we see some different fronts - maybe softer/warmer fonts, but that still maintain a professional feel? Maybe a drop shadow, and more gloss/shine/3D?
We are really enjoying your work - we love #40! The glass marble was a great idea! Could we see a slight outline added to the glass marble, so that the white marble areas are distinguishable from the white background? Could we also see the writing with more of an outline, a drop shadow, greater reflection and more gloss/shine? We love the colour :)
Regarding #37, we like what you have done here also - we prefer the larger image size. Could you fill out the grass (i.e. more of it) so that it's more dense - we like the delicate strands of grass blades, but would like more of them, as it looks a little bit sparse at the moment. Could we see an option with the sky in, like you have done for #40? Could you also make the writing the same colour as #40, and add more gloss/shine and reflection?
Thank you very much for your work on this, We are really looking forward to your next submission! :)
We are loving your work - thank you for the great designs! :)
Our favourite so far is #56. We like the grass change (great thickness and colour!), and the sky introduction - much improved! Can the writing have the white outline and shadow for the whole length of the letters, like #37, as it currently stops about halfway down? The writing reflection seems to fade out in steps - could it fade out more gradually, and smoother? We like the lighter globe colour, however it means the land masses stand out less - could we see the land masses in 3D (like mountains, so that they stand out from the globe, with shading), and possibly a slightly darker green?
Regarding #58 - we think the water drop idea is a very nice one - can we see it without the ripples underneath, and more reflection of the drop?
Thank you very much for your work on this - they are looking really good, We are really looking forward to your next submission! :)
Thank you for your submissions - we like the #67 3D effect on the land - very nice :) Whilst the wind turbines look nice, we feel we prefer the simpler look of #67
Also, we have finally had some feedback from the rest of our decision board, and they are interested in seeing something abstract as an alternative option. Would you be able to provide some abstract ideas (keeping the company colours in mind, but otherwise the drawing board is all yours!), and see where that leads?
We have had to extend our time as we are receiving great designs, and you are consistent in your production of very high quality images, but we seem to be hitting the wrong buttons somehow. We would like to close promptly, but need to have that 'eureka' moment of seeing something.
We love the new designs, but we are worried that we have got caught up in logos that contain a globe. If we gave you the tagline: Webholism.com - Ethical people with technical know-how. Does that provide a different chain of design ideas?
We thank you so much for your continuous submissions of bright, beautiful designs, that we adore on a creative level!! Your work is really great.
Thank you and we hope that you are still able to find some creative genius, given all the amazing work that you have done already.
We just wondered that we are receiving lots of variations on the globe theme and we wondered if you would be able to provide any other ideas that embrace the concept of 'Ethical People with Technical Know -How'?
We really like your work offerings, but would love to see something that is globe-less and looks at the company with a fresh set of eyes.
We appreciate your cooperation and await your feedback.
Lovely work, but we are not getting the right vibe from these. We really like the vivid colours of the previous designs that you submitted. Interesting introduction of the butterfly. :)
Again, it all looks so wonderful reflective and clean, which we like. We seem to be drawn to slightly abstract images at the moment. And while the 'earth' is not really grabbing our attention, despite numerous design ideas in that direction, we are still attracted to the symbolism of spheres and simple shapes with a lot of gloss and sheen.
Any other ideas are welcome.
Thank you for all your hard work, we appreciate it very much.
We really like the submissions again. However we are not sure if they work for us.
We love the sheen and the glow of these images. We like your ideas and we'd love to say exactly what works, but we are finding a preference for spheres that are super shiny and have been warped, or modified in some way; lines cut out, shapes cut in, that are show a sense of realism, and are very bright and colourful. Sorry we cannot be more specific, but we are not sure still on what works, only on those submissions that we are most drawn to.