Hello #163#164 and #165 have CMYK color code which is perfect for print use. CMYK has more dull colors. #166#167 and #168 have RGB color code which is perfect for screen use. RGB has brighter and more defined colors. Is that what you have in mind?
Thank you for the colours. In my brief there are 6 logos I selected. They all seems to have a colour style which is a bit bolder with more contrast. Perhaps take a refresh and see if it inspires any ideas. TY!
We have chose your work as a finalist because I like the simplicity and the movement. I would love to see some other colour ideas. Something with a bit more contrast, I am trying to capture a feeling of being bold and yet grounded.
Your version with the circle was also beautiful
I am also asking everyone for any ideas on a favicon. for WHW. Thanks!
Hello and thank you for the rank!
I have submitted some revisions. The thing is what you do is kind of complex to display in a logo that you want laser made. You might want to consider not using an image at all or using an abstract image! Let me know what you think.
Thank you!
Elena K.
Love the text. It is playful yet grounded. The image is cool but the nuances are hard to appreciate if not blown up to a larger size. We will be laser etching our logo onto looms in future so something less details will be a better path.
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#163 #164 and #165 have CMYK color code which is perfect for print use. CMYK has more dull colors.
#166 #167 and #168 have RGB color code which is perfect for screen use. RGB has brighter and more defined colors. Is that what you have in mind?
I just submitted some color options. Also a favicon idea. Let me know what you think!
Thank you
Elena K.
Your version with the circle was also beautiful
I am also asking everyone for any ideas on a favicon. for WHW. Thanks!
I have submitted some revisions. The thing is what you do is kind of complex to display in a logo that you want laser made. You might want to consider not using an image at all or using an abstract image! Let me know what you think.
Thank you!
Elena K.