Could you try circling this shirt with the business name? "Wear Your" on top and "Witness" around the bottom underneath the shirt.... just an idea to bring it all in. Logo looks too spread out.
Yes, I will try a circle version. I think the slogan is too long and it won't be visible if you use the logo in small size. Is there any way to shorten it?
#46 Could you put the slogan in its own shaded band with white lettering... "Share the Gospel" on from 9-12 o'clock reading clockwise, "Wear the Gospel" from 12-3 o'clock reading clockwise, "Share the Gospel" from 7-5 o'clock reading counter clockwise. Positions are approximate.... make look balanced
Could you put the slogan on the outside with blue lettering and position each section like on a clock: "Share the Gospel" from 9-12 o'clock reading clockwise, "Wear the Gospel" from 12-3 o'clock reading clockwise, "Share the Gospel" from 7-5 o'clock reading counter clockwise. Positions are approximate.... try to make it look balanced. There should be a thin circle band around the slogan.
Also send a couple color schemes of the shirt maybe oraganes, yellows.
#45 Okay, "Live the Gospel" should stay where it is. "Share the Gospel" should be on the right of the circle in the opposing position to "Live the Gospel". and "Wear the Gospel" should be at the bottom centered in all caps maybe bold or one font size larger.
There's too much blue. Could you take the shading out of the outer band and just have text. Make fonts for the slogan a little smaller because it looks crowded. Make text grayscale and the name of the business black lettering.