this is good, but think about the millions of people who are just going through the paces, sort of in a trance, conforming to everyone and everything around them. . . . dreams fading, desires weakening
not so much despair from the ones sitting head in hand
Also, could you use a different color for the blue
anyway to humanize the successful one a little more? give him hands, feet, face
Also, please consider this when imagining a concept for my contest - As people we get to choose and in fact everything that enters our lives is as a result of the choices we've made whether by deliberate intent or by default. We help people make deliberate choices concerning everything from feeling good to wealth
Power, Strength, Luxury, Wealth, Love, Creativity, Tranquility is the essence of what we become when we discover and learn how to choose
Hi, Sorry, I haven't had the chance to send through the updated version today, though made a start on it, and should help explain these concepts you are after better. Hopefully tomorrow. Thanks Mark
Hi Finally got the updated concept done, hopefully it's more on track with what you are after. The successful one is more humanized, with hands, feet, joyful face etc, whereas the ones in the background are just going about their everyday lives, not really enjoying, and turning their backs on the opportunity to "choose success", as opposed to the successful one standing out from everyone else, triumphant. You also mentioned a different color for the blue, for the moment I've just made it a darker shade, did you have any specific other color you were looking for, or just a different shade of blue? Mark
I still very much like your design style but feel this design conveys some sort of fitness, working out or something. Please continue in my contest but -
Think Bold "STRENGTH & POWER, WEALTH & LUXURY" while in a very Zen, Quiet, Calm state of being
I am very attracted to logos like Nike, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, BMW - Benz, Tag Hauer, etc.
Hi, here are some new entries, the first is has a disc with tints made up from the letter WCS, the second a crescendo under choose, and the third has stylized arrows indicating choice.
Hi Truth Guru, Here's a new concept, an icon with a hand in the air as if to say, "yes, I choose success". Will work well across all forms of media, from embroidered, to print, to the web. Thanks, Mark