Great work on there! : ) One question - on Entry #10 - could the arrow go from blue to orange/red to show cold and hot? The three bars might need to be a different color then - but whatever you think on that - just want it to show hot/cold - but i LOVE this one!
Is there any cool way to incorporate an apple - or the outline shape of an apple? That's how our business started - but it's not the only thing we do now... But i know the board still liked the thought of our company coming from apples... I love the multi-steps with the arrow - that one's my favorite!!! Thank you so much - and i really appreciate your work on this - love your logos ; )
Hi Jesica! Wanted to ask you one more question... We are really liking #29 with the curly "W" shaped apple... Could you possibly make the WCS go from hot to cold in colors like our #45 does, or something similar to that? Thanks so much!!!!!!!!
Hi Jessica - I think there's an excellent possibility that the #29 logo might be the one we still go with - I like the solid blue letters on your #29 still, more than the multi colored. It's just a sharp, original logo!!! It stands out from all the others - to everyone i've shown them to! The only other comment I got on it was that someone said it looked like a tooth instead of an apple... Didn't know if shortening the peaks that come up inside the apple would make it less tooth-like... Let me know what you think... Thanks!
Updated With all new apple.. i've try to give the people figure catch a "leaves" but still on "W" apple style , thats can make the "brands" is have a vision to get "something up". but if you still love the original "W" apple style, thats okey :), i've make something new there. if you need more advance, just let me know, sorry my english is not good but i understand all your suggestion and try to give best feedback. thanks!
I have uploaded some later versions of the logo you may require in the future with respect to existing needs such as creating a label and stamp-making black and white copy or watermarks, may be helpful.
Hi Jessica - it seems that we may need to change the name to WCSC Logistics - would this be a problem? Having trouble with our domain names - so didn't know if you could add this easily? I'm still not sure which we will go with (The WCS or WCSC) but just wanted to make sure you could change it if we needed it. Thanks!
Of course, i can change everything in any time or you need two kind files in "final files", i will send two pack of its (as you need in future). if you need to change no, then i will change.
I hate to ask you to make another change, but I'm am totally in love with your logo with the little person holding the leaf! However, I know some on the board of directors like the logo #124, where we requested that they add snowflakes and flames to show hot and cold... Can you think of any way to add this to your logo with the little person so that I can convince them to go with yours instead???
dear, sure, i will take an advance again. just feelfree to say something. if you need anything else, just let me know, you are the owner and i am the designer.