Love the dog. He's super cute. Our kids were crazy about him, too. That's a good sign since we want a positive response whatever we do.
Not a fan of clothes on dogs. Also, Australian Shepherds have squarer noses and no tail. If you Google Australian Shepherd Drawings or just the breed, it should give you a lot. Also, there are pictures on our facebook.
If I didn't put a lot of restrictions on this, like a dog, or a retro design, what would you do? You are an amazing designer and obviously have a wonderful eye for this stuff. I feel stuck. Aside from the dog. I'd love to just hear and see if there is another concept that has come to you. We need to change the brand across the board and just wondering if the dog doesn't have enough to do with plumbing. Thoughts?
No way - I totally understand! We're big Dr Who fans here...we've decided to wait until after the season when it comes out on Netflix and we can binge-watch it :D
I thought the hat might be okay to give it more a vintage service / repair look, it can come off if it's a problem, though. The tail I just added to better occupy the space and give it a friendly / happy appeal - but it's not common for the breed, so definitely a god point.
I typically offer an explanation of the branding plan I'm offering and I didn't this time...sorry about that. Here it is now - just so we're on the same page: I initially chose the dog over typical plumbing tools, etc. because I thought it would bring that friendly / trustworthy connection. I think people typically respond well to happy dogs - see them as loyal, trustworthy and honest. As you have the dog already, I was thinking it could make for a good tie-in (people tend to trust dog people...probably because it shows they care) I keep hitting on "trust" because I feel like it's a big concern amongst consumers in the repair industry. No one wants to feel they're getting overcharged or taken advantage of so trust becomes an important part of selling the brand. ANYWAY - the logo. I added the dog 0 but didn't want it to look like a kennel, so added the pipe wrench. I thought this might cover more bases than a plunger because - firstly - a plunger seemed more like a homeowner fix than a plumber fix and secondly - its specific to just clogged drains. A pipe wrench could pertain to any sort of repair or installation of pipes (for water or gas) The frame is a drop of water because it starts out small at the top and brings the focus down and has good balance. Going back to the "trust" issue, I wanted a logo that, visually, felt really secure - so I made sure that the forms I chose were weighted at the bottom to create a sense of stability, if that makes sense?
Sorry for the novel! Let me know if that changes your thoughts on the current logo. Meanwhile, I'll look at some other options and see what I can come up with.
I love a good communicator, that's one of the things I liked about you, the communication history between you and your clients. I sent you a private message with more details to consider. Thank you for putting thought into all this.
#156 Revised dog...I have a more squared nose version, but it's not done and I don't think you'll need it #157 / #158 - see what I meant by quirky? :) It was supposed to have "we get into our work" / "not afraid to get our hands dirty" type of vibe. Without and without knuckle bandage (I like it with just because it has a "normal guy" aspect to it...)
I thought at first it was his sleeve and then when I realized it was a pipe it made me LOL. That's really fun. I love the bandage on his finger, very true to form around here.