We really liked your creative spin on the W and P. Thanks for creating something fun. I also like that you broke up the logo into 2 parts, that might be good for translating across multiple platforms. However John is concerned because, being a pro, it's incorrect from a industry and a gravity point of view. We can appreciate where you were heading artistically, but can't compromise quite this much on accuracy from an industry perspective. Overall, I am looking for something more complex, something with a retro/vintage vibe. We aren't closed to any idea, but seem to gravitate in that direction.
Thank you for working on this and I am happy to provide any feedback that will help. Just ask.
Could you take #52 and play with the fonts? Also, #50 has small lines in it. I think that gives it a retro vibe. Can we add some of that to see what it looks like?
Thank you for the efforts you put into our tournament. I really enjoyed seeing your designs and appreciate that you took my comments to heart. I'm going to leave at least one of your designs in the top 10 so that it shows up when people do the portfolio search. You are obviously a talented designer and I wish you well in your career.
A note from a client's point of view. I don't know why the designers yank all their designs if they aren't chosen. It's really helpful to look through peoples portfolios and I think keeping some of them out there for other customers to see will help you get more clients. Just my opinion.