We are definitely liking #49. It's starting to have a nice, retro vibe. Whatever we do needs to work on a white background, so perhaps the light aura could be demonstrated through lines or in another way? Looking through your profile, I like the logo you did for Nest Atlanta. It's got good colors and a good feel.
Thanks for feedback! I can definitely make those changes but it might not be until Sunday when I return from a short business trip. I should have time before the Top 5 phase, or more time if I can be put there long enough to submit revisions.
So far, you have given me the most retro looking logo. There is so much we like about it and a few things I'd like to try a little differently.
1. Love the font, but the words feel squished in the banner. I think it needs to be bigger. 2. Love that the word Watermark pops out of the background. Would like this to be highlighted even more to be more dimensional. 3. The color of blue and and teal aren't my favorites. I'd like something a little more retro. 4. The lines continuing outside of the box might be nice. 5. The background shape is a little too police badge looking. 6. Would like to see smaller stripes in the background and perhaps not as dark? Just seems that "Plumbing" is getting lost.