#164 on white please keep in mind that the file is tiny 350x280 pixel wide image at 72 dpi it will not print top your satisfaction if you blow it up larger than 1 inch wide
On the "Illustrator" file you mention, will the layers be unlocked? The last person I got a fill from I was unable to edit because the layers were merged together and could not be separated.
In addition to the required eps and jpg image I supply the following formats
1. hi res 300 dpi jpg cmyk 2. hi res 300 dpi jpg RGB 3. hi res balck and white 300 dpi 4. no background png for web use 3 sizes 5. illustrator file
We would really like to see a few more retro font options, please before we settle on one of these. I like the spacing of the original font, where the letters are a bit further apart and the banner is a little longer and thinner, but the font just isn't retro.
sorry but i ma a wee bit confused the block style font is retro and there are literally 10's of thousands of fonts to go through if there is a specific type face please let me know other wise I am guessing as to what what think is retro
the thickness of the banner is directly related tot he font type a lower height font as in #140 will result in a narrow banner.
Font used in #165 is a wee bit taller therefore the banner has more height in relation to the font. to use the font from #165 with banner from #140 will not work as the banner proportion will be out of whack and look like crap.
In my opinion #165 has the right right balance between text banner and duck.
I'll work another based on the tutorial for creating retro font but this manual exercises and will take a few hours to complete again I cannot stress this enough font choice is the key with over 10'000 + fonts I am guessing as to the style you would like to see...this is why I prefer not to do this at this point as if I chose the wrong font then I have wasted 2-3 hours of prep time just to have to start all over again.
#168 here is a mini list of fonts I believe are suitable for the look you are after, I am going to be in trouble for uploading this but it's the only way to work out this issue we are having, please select one for me to work with.
I don't want you to waste any time, I was just under the impression that we were in our last hours of editing. Is that incorrect?
I am happy to look at fonts and offer feedback. Is there a site that is safe to look at fonts? Better yet, is there a sight where you can try a word in a font without downloading it?
I am trying to streamline this process by showing different font choices that's all other wise I am guessing as to what it is you are looking for and that is not productive. Have read my Private message?
Scott, Thank you for the creativity you brought to us during this tournament. I'm going to go ahead and end the contest early and name #165 the winner. You deserve it. You've worked tirelessly to see our vision through to reality. You patiently listened to all our input through revision after revision. You have an amazing work ethic and It's no wonder you do well here. I'm also going to keep a copy of the paper boat logo with the Jolly-Roger flag hanging above my desk as it makes me laugh. Anyway, great work and I look forward to hearing from you soon. ~April
Thank you for selecting my work and it has been a real pleasure working with you throughout this process. I've uploaded the required EPS and JPG images and thank you for the complement.
If there a no additional changes at this time could you take a moment to approve the design in order for payment to be processed. Keep in mind that over the next week or so if you need minor edits it's not a problem.
Once approval has been done I send the additional files as we previously discussed, the files I'll send I'll send via email. We should also take a moment tomorrow w to talk on the phone or via Skype.