Waterford Counseling and Psychological ServicesLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Waterford Counseling and Psychological Services

Waterford Counseling and Psychological Services has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 124 designs from 18 different designers from around the world.














I really like how you are playing off of the water part of my name and also the sense of strength and caring thru your design of the strong helping hand. This is a strong design. There is something about the image taht looks like a bird that for some reason seems out of place even though I still feel the idea of helping and strength. Not sure if there is some other imagine that the hand could hold that would make it feel more "human". Also, as I have decided that i would like to drop the tag line "Strengthening Individuals, Couples and Families" I believe it makes it look to clustered. Also, I think that your design is picking up on the elements of strength,trustworthiness, warmth, and helping that I am trying to convey. Anyway, thanks for the design. It is very strong.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank You very much for your comment...
I'll try for make some revition .
Thank you

Best Regards
12 years ago
Dear Amanterkendali,

The more I look at your original design the more i like it. The one thing I would like to see dropped from the design however, is the tagline: "Strengthening Individuals couples and Families". this will put more focus on your design to convey the message. With this revision, this design will very likely move to the top 5.


12 years ago
thanks for your participation. At this juncture I am looking for one of my top five logo designers to really steep up and push the design to make it more personalized to my line of work...psychology. It needs to be something that looks very professional, sophisticated, defined, specific to my industry. Although the name of my practice is Waterford it has little to do with water. It just so happens to be the location of the practice...on Waterford drive :)
I really want the logo to look more sophisticated. Even if it is a stylized "W" or some other design that looks sophisticated, educated...pertaining to psychology and the services we provide.

thanks for your ongoing work an creativity
12 years ago
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