Wards AutosportsLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Wards Autosports Wards Autosports has selected their winning logo design. For $475 they received 117 designs from 25 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Annotation Delete We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired. Save Cancel Entries by csd Return to Contest Return to Contest Comment Activity Order by Ranking Entry Number Comment Activity To leave a comment please click on the logo. 1st 5 Withdrawn 4th 1 Withdrawn 5th 1 Withdrawn 6th 2 Withdrawn New 1 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn Prefers others. Comment Activity Wards commented on #117 Can you please send me the fonts that you used and the colors you used? Thank you! 8 years ago Wards commented on #117 Hi. Could you send me .ai format of the logo please? Also, can you make me an .ai format of just the top "w" by its self and an .ai format of just the "wards Autosports" by its self? Thank you!! 8 years ago csd commented on #117 Hi Sir... Thanks for finalized the contest, i just uploaded the final files, please approves under "my contest" button, so they can release the prize. Thanks a lot. csd 8 years ago csd commented on #117 Anything else sir? Thanks csd 8 years ago csd commented on #117 This sir. 8 years ago Wards commented on #113 Withdrawn Could you add the green lines by autosports like you did in your other logo? Thanks! 8 years ago csd commented on #115 Withdrawn how about this sir? list is green. 8 years ago Wards commented on #101 Withdrawn Great logo. Could you add in a very small amount of green in the logo? Maybe a few different renditions. Thank you! 8 years ago csd commented on #2 Withdrawn Only 5 ranked can submit sir. Please rank.. 8 years ago Wards commented on #2 Withdrawn Can you make one like this but in the top portion can you make the background all blue and make the bottom of the "W" more pointed instead of flat? thank you 8 years ago
Comment Activity
Thank you!
Also, can you make me an .ai format of just the top "w" by its self and an .ai format of just the "wards Autosports" by its self?
Thank you!!
Thanks for finalized the contest, i just uploaded the final files,
please approves under "my contest" button, so they can release the prize.
Thanks a lot.