Walton GarlicLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Walton Garlic

Walton Garlic has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 248 designs from 13 different designers from around the world.
























































































































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Hi Zodo33,

I am pleased to see you have tried some original ideas. Nice work. Very impressed.
#37 I find the way you have turned the "G" into a garlic is appealing.
The font is fairly easy to read and has a sense of quality.
I prefer brighter more vivid colors. I want the logo to stand out and grab people's attention as they walk past our market stall.
#35 I like the idea and there is potential. Once again, I think the colors need to be more vivid. Orange is the most preferred color.
Looking forward to some great designs, Zodo33. Well done.
All the best.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you very much for your comments! I'll try some brighter colors and share them with you
10 years ago

What a pleasant surprise! Absolutely fantastic, Zodo33. Wow.
Thank you for the creativity and originality.
The purple was excellent.
A couple of thoughts - the garlic shaped "G" becomes a little crowded and clashes with the garlic picture. Perhaps just a nice fancy "G" work better.
What do you think are the chances of bright orange complimenting the design?
Excellent job, Zodo33. Thank you.
All the best.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you brainforest! I'm glad you like the lastest designs! I got some garlic out of my fridge and noticed hints of purple in the outer peel which is what led me to the color choice!

I agree with you about the G and was actually going to remove it anyway because another designer had already created a bulb out of the G and W and it wouldn't be fair for me to use that concept. It's a little bit redundant anyway with the huge bulb in the back. I will post some new ones soon and withdraw the current ones. Thanks again for the nice words :)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Is the orange in #80 close to what you had in mind? Or do you prefer a different shade? More reddish or yellowish perhaps? Also, let me know how you feel about the burst in the back. Do you think it's too much, or do you want that POP factor?

Please feel free to tell me of any changes/variations you would like to see!
10 years ago
Thank you Zodo33, it has been good to see some variations.
I am not sure if the changes have enhanced your original #71 or if they detract from it.
It would be good if we could experiment some more with orange highlights,
A couple of thoughts - the orange garlic eg.#80 or even #87 doesn't really work. White garlic depicts health and purity while the yellow and orange on a garlic depicts that it is old or diseased. So I think we should stick with a predominately white garlic.
Having said that, some bright, very slightly reddish orange highlights may help. On #71 you had some yellow shadowing on the text and garlic. Perhaps that could become a vibrant orange. I understand it might look terrible as well.
Another idea to introduce orange would be to try the oval shaped background in #76 and place it behind everything.
So far our most preferred logo has been #71. However, the curved text works better now that the G has been changed.
Thanks again, Zodo33 for your efforts.
All the best.
10 years ago
Just to clarify, the bursts look good but are probably too much.
The sun rays may work but I am not sure at the moment exactly how.
Thank you.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the feedback! I will revert back to the bulb from #71 and experiment some more with the highlights. How do you feel about having the leaves in the the logo? I thought that might be another opportunity to to add some color and also convey the idea of natural/organic. They make it a little too busy as is but if you like them perhaps they can be more subtle. Thanks again for all the great feedback, it's very important in order to get the best logo possible :)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Uploaded some new variations... #100 is the same bulb as #71 but with the normal G and curved text. Also tried some white bulbs with red highlights ( #98, #99). And with the oval in the background. I will have some more time to try different things later, but let me know what you think in the meantime. Thank you!
10 years ago
Thank you for the revisions, Zedo33.
I prefer the white bulb of #98.
I am finding that the garlic has to white.
Any other colors are not working as well.
So #77 needs a white garlic bulb not pink.
#98 is a favourite. White bulb with orange highlights looks good.
The leafs might work but at the moment I find them too busy.

I am interested to hear your opinions on what is working best and also on creative enhancements.

I cannot think of any other ideas at the moment. I will let you know when I come up with some.
Great work, Jodo33. Your efforts are much appreciated. Thank you.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for your thoughts. I completely agree with you about the garlic being white, specially after you told me that yellowish garlic might depict an old or diseased bulb, so it's best we stick with white.

Visually, the white looks cleaner as well. I also feel that the reddish highlights in #98 work really well with the purple outlines to make the garlic aesthetically vibrant, so it would probably be the best option so far.

I uploaded #103 which uses smaller leaves and is less busy than before. I like the leaves because they give it touches of spice colors and make it more interesting but I think that the leaves could be integrated better so I will keep playing around with it.

Could you possibly give me some more insight into the application of the logo? You mentioned it will be used to attract customers to a stall, so I'm assuming it will be on a large sign? Will it also be used for packaging, marketing, etc? Knowing the application better might help determine the best visual direction.

Thanks again for being so active with the comment, it really helps!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#107 is #77 with a white bulb/red highlights, just in case you were interested in seeing how it looked
10 years ago
Thanks, Zodo33.

The logo will be used on our white market stall sign and will be approx. 1 foot high. It will be used on a sidewalk sign and depending on the sign design and final logo design, maybe it will up to 2 feet high.
Other than that it will be used on out t-shirts when working at the market stall. I guess a small logo on front left and large logo on back. White t-shirts.
Also we will attach a flat 2" x 4" (approx.) cardboard label to our garlic braids. The logo will be approx. 1 - 2".
It will also be used on our website.
The main thing is that it looks good on a white background and is really appealing to passerby's at the markets.

I agree with your insights about the leaves. There is potential but is not quite hitting the mark at the moment.
Just for fun, it would be good to try some sunrays with #98. Perhaps starting orange and then a gradient change into yellow?

Great work, Zodo33. This design is going really well. Thank you.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for explaining the applications. I think this logo would work well in a large scale application like a sign on the back of a T-shirt. You could possibly have the whole logo on the back and just the name type treatment on the front left pocket area. I was also concerned about what kind of background the applications will have, but white will work well with this design!

I tried the burst you requested (#116) and a faded back version of the same burst (#117). I personally am preferring the more subtle bursts since they don't clash as much with the colors in the logo, but I think both options could work. I also made the white type slightly bolder so that it'll be more legible from a distance and when it's printed in smaller sizes such as the labels, business cards, etc.

Let me know what you think! Also, it was a good idea to open up purple as a color option to everyone since it works nicely but I hope you remember who tried it first when making your final decision :)

Thank you
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Tried a purple burst with orange tips just for fun - #118

It kind of looks like the pattern on the garlic skin if you look at it from botton
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Noticed you ranked #102 first so I did a couple of variations with the oval but using the white bulb since that one is slightly off white. #137 uses the same gradient as the one you picked but with the brighter bulb and bolder text. If you would like to see any other options, please let me know!
10 years ago

Really like this design, Zodo33.
Thank you for making the bulb white.
The only other options I can think of at the moment is making the colors more vivid and vibrant.
I am not sure if it will enhance the design but it might be worth a look.
Thank you, Zodo33. Great work!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you brainforest!

I'm really glad you're liking the design. I uploaded some variations experimenting with the oval. Some of the gold gradients (#162) could probably be refined more later on, but wanted to see if this is a direction you'd be interested in for now. #158 uses some blue/green highlights to try giving it more of a fresh garlic feel.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Also tried a blue in place of the violet #163. It's a little more vibrant. I personally prefer the purple because I think it looks more elegant and communicates quality more, but the blue is also an option
10 years ago
#139 is still working for me.
Some of the new ones had some real vibrant colors but I am still enjoying the bright orange on top and the gradient into a lighter orange. Could that be made more vibrant and still keep the gradient. What about a more vibrant purple on the garlic and font?
I like seeing the new designs because it helps me concrete my thoughts.
Thanks, Zodo33.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I agree with you about #139 working well.

Tried #164 with a brighter gradient by using more yellow. We can go lighter to the yellow side if you want but going more "vibrant" than that, you'll start using gamut colors which will work on screen but you'll have trouble printing it. And since you'll be mostly printing, I would advice against it. We can play with the hues more though (more yellow, less red, etc) to get a gradient that you like!

#165 is a brighter purple. I think the darker one in 139 works better because it contrasts with the background. If you like this one, we can try darker backgrounds to make it POP more but you still lose some contrast because the violet hues by nature are darker than warm reds and oranges so it usually looks better for the violet to be darker and the warm colors to be brighter.
10 years ago
Hi Zodo33,

The darker purple looks best. Nice strong contrast.

Could you please try #164 with:
- no BC Canada text
- a shade or two less yellow on the gradient
- a shade or two more orange on the garlic highlights

Thank you.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Brainforest,

Toned the yellow down on the gradient and took "BC Canada" off.

#167 has larger orange highlights , and #167 has same highlights as before, both with a more saturated orange.

Let me know if there's anything else you'd like to see!

Thank you.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
oops, I meant #168 has the larger highlights
10 years ago
Hi Zodo33,

Your logos are proving very popular and are well liked.
Two points keep popping up.
1. Walton is a little hard to read especially the letter t
2. The garlic bottom is really good but the top is bit abstract and scratchy.

I am not sure Zodo33, exactly what to suggest. What are our options? What would you suggest?

Thank you, Zodo33.
All the best.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Brainforest,

For the word Walton, I can manually alter the t to try to make it more legible. Perhaps taking the loop out and just making it a line will help. If that doesn't work, we can look at some different fonts too.

The illustration is not problem, I made it a little sketchy to give it a more organic feel but it can be cleaned up. I can change the top of the garlic to be more cleaner/more defined if you want. Should I keep the same proportions just make it more defined? What about the tip...should it be cut off like it is now or would you prefer it tapered off in crown-like spikes?

Please let me know your preference on the illustration, I'll work on the letting in the meantime.

10 years ago
Thanks Zodo33,

I get the organic feel and I personally think it works quite well.
A couple of others have commented and I sort of wondered myself if a cleaner top would be an improvement.
I guess the slanted cut top would be best along with a more cleaner/defined look.

Thanks Zodo33, looking forward to your revisions.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem! I think it was necessary to clean up the illustration eventually. When I first submitted it, it was mostly at the concept stage to get a feel for the direction you wanted to go.

I submitted #176 cleaning up some of the sketchyness in the top. Later on, I can redraw the top and adjust some of the highlights and shadows to make it flow a little better.

With the typography, I manually made the 't' a little more defined by taking out the loop and extending the line a bit. I also notice that the loop of the 'o' connected to the 'n' at the bottom so I moved that to the top which I think increases the legibility significantly.

Let me know what you think about the changes. Also, it's good to share it with others to get outside opinions. Since we've been looking at these for a while, it's difficult for us to view it objectively. If it's still a little hard to read, I'll try some different fonts that are a similar style to this one and see if that makes it better.

Thank you Brainforest!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Did some more cleaning up in #177. It looks like it got a haircut haha
10 years ago
Text is a huge improvement. Well done.

Cleaner top is working well and the further changes you suggested sound good.
My only concern is keeping the overall balance of the design.
As the top becomes cleaner and cleaner it begins to change the overall balance.

If you redraw, can you keep in mind that the plumpness of the garlic is important.
Large garlic bulbs (good) head out at almost 90 degrees from the stem.
Small garlic bulbs (bad) taper slowly out from the stem.

Thank you, Zodo33.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I agree, it's much more legible now. Thank you for the insight about the garlic bulbs, I will probably redraw it tomorrow and submit some more options. Maybe making the whole bulb larger in relation to the text can alleviate some of the balance issues. Another option is to try the leaves again now that it's less busy. I'll see what I can do and get back to you tomorrow.

Thank you again Bainforest, your comments are always helpful!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Made the the bulb more plump. Also tried to play with the orientation a little as in #183 ... How do you feel about the bulb being at an angle? I think it makes it a little more dynamic and balanced vertically. There is a certain draw to symmetry though so it comes down to preference. The larger bulb definitely looks 'healthier' though like you said. Let me know what you think.
10 years ago
Can I have a quick look at the logo with the background oval removed?

The garlic is looking really good. Plump and healthy. Excellent.
Perhaps shortening the stem a fraction or two might be good.

It is amazing how much better each version is getting.
I loved the older ones but now I think these new ones look so much better.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you. Yes, I was thinking the same thing. I thought the old one looked good but it looks much better when cleaned up. A big part of it is how involved you've been with the comments! Some clients don't bother with the comments and it doesn't allow the design process to take its full course.

Removed the oval, I think it looks really clean without it. What do you think?
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Also tried the oval without the dark outline #192
10 years ago
#192 Certainly looks good. I definitely like it. I think the shorter stem looks best.
#191 #190 Looks really clean. Looks great. I also like these. I wonder how you could bring some bright splashes of color into them. At the moment there might just be a little bit too much white and purple.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Tried some more abstract backgrounds just for fun. I think #192 still looks best, but have a look anyway. Maybe something like #196 could work
10 years ago
Thanks Zodo33. I agree that #192 still looks best.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem! If you'd like to see anything else, let me know. If I think of anything that might improve it, I'll post it.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello brainforest,

#216...I redrew the bulb based on the latest version that we liked. It's a little bolder and has a slightly more organic feel than the one from #192. Let me know which one you prefer. Thanks!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Look at #217 instead, cleaned up one of the lines that was a little distracting
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#218, #219 Tried with the leaves to give some more color. Might work now that the top of the bulb is cleaned up
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#220, #221 - Garlic flowers?
10 years ago
Hi Zodo33,

I am not sure if the thicker lines of the latest garlic are an improvement.
The leaves, flowers and color splashes have been great to see.
I am not sure that they enhance the design.
I am thinking #184 with shorter stem like #192.
Thank you, Zodo33.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem Brainforest,

I agree about the extra stuff, I was just experimenting and thought to throw them out there as options which could be improved upon. But I think keeping it simple is best, making the bulb the hero without any distractions, and the oval is enough to add color in the background. #184 with shorter stem >> #222

Let me know if you'd like to see anything else!

Thank you
10 years ago
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