Walla Walla Pasta FactoryLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Walla Walla Pasta Factory Walla Walla Pasta Factory has selected their winning logo design. For $275 they received 265 designs from 16 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Annotation Delete We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired. Save Cancel Entries by David Return to Contest Return to Contest Comment Activity Order by Ranking Entry Number Comment Activity To leave a comment please click on the logo. Withdrawn New 1 Withdrawn New 3 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 5 Withdrawn New 6 Withdrawn New 3 Withdrawn New 2 Withdrawn New 3 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 7 Withdrawn New 2 Withdrawn New 2 Withdrawn New 2 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 2 Withdrawn New Comment Activity embracingorphans commented on #229 Withdrawn Could be, they were my suggestions, but yes. 4 years ago David commented on #229 Withdrawn might be, but if this comes from another contestant.... well... it wouldn't be fair and nice... to steal somebody else's work... true ? 4 years ago embracingorphans commented on #229 Withdrawn The owner chef so far likes a design that has a script type font for Pasta Factory and a saloon script for Walla Walla and the icon/image is a bowl of pasta. It has a Hawaiian design on the bowl. If you do a version of this design it would be good. 4 years ago David commented on #222 Withdrawn the promised sketch... feel free to annotate or comment...or ditch. 4 years ago David commented on #204 Withdrawn in which case we have to fit the text not on the boat itself but in the gap below the moon . Ok ...i'll prepare a sketch, see if it's worth pursuing. 4 years ago embracingorphans commented on #204 Withdrawn Most things with the text on it 4 years ago David commented on #204 Withdrawn like this ...how ? the boat or all the elements ? gondolier , moon, stuff like that? without copying that image ...obviously :) 4 years ago embracingorphans commented on #204 Withdrawn Yes like this. Could you also try something like this - https://www.dreamstime.com/stock-illustration-venice-boat-abstract-vector-sign-emblem-logo-template-floating-gondola-moon-boatman-silhouette-image87648320 4 years ago David commented on #204 Withdrawn like this, reversing the text colors might work 4 years ago David commented on #203 Withdrawn there will be always a cut between text and graphic... different colors to start with 4 years ago embracingorphans commented on #203 Withdrawn I think the original is better. Do you think you can tie in the boat ends into the letters more? 4 years ago David commented on #197 Withdrawn uploaded already #203 4 years ago embracingorphans commented on #197 Withdrawn Thats ok, looking for a 2nd look. 4 years ago David commented on #203 Withdrawn here you are. 4 years ago David commented on #197 Withdrawn so basically with a shadow , and just a little roughness... see what i can do... but i think the font will lose it's mostra nueva look... 4 years ago embracingorphans commented on #197 Withdrawn This SpeakEasy font is what I'd like for the word Pasta Factory. 4 years ago embracingorphans commented on #197 Withdrawn https://www.pinterest.com/pin/535506211926155813/ 4 years ago David commented on #197 Withdrawn awaiting attachment . to see if i can answer that :) 4 years ago embracingorphans commented on #197 Withdrawn I like this. Can you make the font look a little like what I will attach. 4 years ago David commented on #194 Withdrawn sure 4 years ago David commented on #195 Withdrawn funny i am working on an exact design... strange 4 years ago embracingorphans commented on #194 Withdrawn I like this thick font best. Could you make Walla Walla smaller and thin and yellow? 4 years ago embracingorphans commented on #195 Withdrawn Could you make Walla Walla smaller and yellow/gold? 4 years ago embracingorphans commented on #195 Withdrawn Yes. Would you be able to attach the ends of the boat the the P and Y so they are stylized? 4 years ago David commented on #193 Withdrawn yes got it... but it has like 6 weights and alternates... regular ? bold? 4 years ago embracingorphans commented on #193 Withdrawn This is the one I like. It has a 1920s look. 4 years ago embracingorphans commented on #193 Withdrawn https://www.google.com/search?q=italian+font&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjl1Zn0rqPtAhXOiJ4KHYoAAugQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=italian+font&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzICCCkyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADoFCCkQqwI6BQgAELEDOgQIABBDOgcIABCxAxBDOggIABCxAxCDAVDIxQFYkvUBYPD4AWgCcAB4AYABrAGIAZQRkgEEMC4xNJgBAKABAbABZMABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=D0fBX6WSB86R-gSKgYjADg&bih=489&biw=320&prmd=isnv#imgrc=O7pw7riO9YwHVM 4 years ago David commented on #193 Withdrawn this one right ? https://fonts.adobe.com/fonts/mostra-nuova 4 years ago embracingorphans commented on #193 Withdrawn Mchange to Mostra Nuova font Delete the water Color is great Make the text longer so only the ends of the boat are seen. 4 years ago David commented on #193 Withdrawn i'm not sure i understood clearly, but i made this. gold/yellow 4 years ago embracingorphans commented on #191 Withdrawn You could make the gold lighter still. Think, the color of wheat fields during harvest. Can you put the edges of the gondola right near the words. So it goes straight up from the sidea like `|words|` rather than `|_words_|` 4 years ago David commented on #191 Withdrawn slight lighter gold, changed fonts for pasta 4 years ago David commented on #179 Withdrawn sure. but : walla text is the amerigo font. any other font preference? 4 years ago embracingorphans commented on #179 Withdrawn I like this one best, can you make the gold a bit lighter and try it with a few different fonts? 4 years ago David commented on #178 Withdrawn oh... i thought the walla part is the main text... anyway i will have to go up with pasta factory, in place of walla and, rise walla above. I'll prepare a version to see if i got it right. 4 years ago embracingorphans commented on #178 Withdrawn Yes, now make Pasta Factory the main part and Walla Walla little. 4 years ago David commented on #174 Withdrawn i'll give it a shot . thank you. 4 years ago embracingorphans commented on #174 Withdrawn Can you have the ends of the boat stick out the ends of the text, but the middle of the boat is just missing with the text in the space. 4 years ago