Waikuta Lakeside LodgeLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Waikuta Lakeside Lodge

Waikuta Lakeside Lodge has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 44 designs from 20 different designers from around the world.


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Thanks for such a clever design and as we intend to have this printed onto lime green shirts it will look fantastic. I would like a couple of small changes and they are to please remove the wave at the bottom of the blue water and make the mountain slightly higher and more like our landmark Mokoia Island. We have an outdated website waikuta lakeside retreat which will give you great examples of the island from our viewpoint. thanks so much for your very early entry which we like very much.
10 years ago
Can we try some color options with some different blues and greens. Also, could you try some gradients. Can we make the water a bit brighter with maybe some lines for a little wave effect to break up the color. Thanks and great job.
10 years ago
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