Hey mate entry 30 is wicked man really like it. Can you just try change up the water slightly at to have a look what else could be done maybe more like wave shapes? And the beak man could you make it a more distinctive red thanks tho mate its looking great.
Mate looking great if you put entry 53s swan beak and water with entry 30s sun and sky that will be it I'd say if you could do that, it would be great. Thanks mate hope you have enough time
Thank you very much for the choose that you have taken and I'm very glad that I fullfiled you requests. I hope that this logo brand will help you in your bussines ! Just let me know if you want to upload besides the final files also the another variants that I posted here.
Hello ! Sorry for the delay but I think that the staff from LogoTournament it's reviewing this contest right now because I can't see the upload button to upload the final files.
In my account, at your contest this is what I see: ''This contest is currently being reviewed by Administrators. Please contact Support and we will respond as soon as possible. ''
I will send a message to the LogoTorunament staff to see what's up with this ''currently being reviewed'' thing.