I like #17, though wonder if someone not knowing the company name may be confused by the abstract V. I would be interested to see something like this without the bottom grey tail to the V.
With regards to #16 and # 15, the dot with partial circle lines is very similar to a local radio station logo so would avoid these designs.
I like what you have done with #43, I would be keen to see a couple of versions of this with different colour ideas replacing the black. e.g dark blue or a dark grey
I like #45, I don't think that symbol is exactly what I am after as yet, though it has me thinking I like the idea of a circular graphic to the left of the name.
Dear CH, I have revised the previous design by replacing black into darker blue/grey and I submited additional concept. Hope you like them and feel free to comment or ask. Thank you
Hi thanks for the updates, with the colour changes on #69 and #71, I like the colours used on the bottom curl though was hoping to see this colour replace all of the black, even in the text.
I would like to see a version of this with out the fading of the grey colour through the text so that all the letters are the same shade of grey as the V, leave the balls as the blue (I really like this).
Dear CH, thank you for the feedback. I submit the revision of #96 and the additional version of it. I hope you like them. Please feel free to comment or ask. Thank you.. Cheers.
Hi there, thanks again for your updates. #43 is still my favourite, could I see a versoin of this with only capital letter for the V and the rest lower case, like Voitec? Could I also see this with a flat back colour for the text with out the contrast line running through the letters?