#26: The client said the following and wanted me to let you know you are his top choice:
"I'm liking #26 more than #25 more and more. It's more horizontal than vertical. I like it.
And if the artist can incorporate my suggestions ... I'll like it a lot. Especially making one of the scream bubbles/circles a "smiley" face. Color scheme? ... a compromise between the Munch's muted nightmare pastels and something that won't repel quite as much. "
Here is the painting he is referencing:
http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2012/4/12/1334244871434/One-of-four-of-Edvard-Mun-008.jpg"... And if the word "voices" could be more of a graphic than just text.
#50 had the "o" in voices be a head/microphone. If vdeny could do that in #26, as well as make the other changes. we'd have a winner."