Vobal Technologies, LLCLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Vobal Technologies, LLC

Vobal Technologies, LLC has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 248 designs from 16 different designers from around the world.








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Hey tsquare, really nice! I like the longer/flatter layout of #14 (and the double line).
Regarding the weight of Vobal vs Technologies: Vobal should definitely be emphasized more, but can we split the emphasis difference between the two designs? What I mean is: I like that Vobal is emphasized over technologies in #13 but it's perhaps a bit too emphasized within the design overall. On the other hand, while Vobal is in emphasized in #14 as well because of the color, being equal sized fonts and Technologies being the longer word evens out the emphasis a bit too much.
And the antenna relative to the size of the ship... makes it look a tiny bit cartoony, perhaps.
And now (he said, asking way too much), if there's any way to make it look more like a cell phone that is communicating out, rather than the whole ship itself?
But I'm focusing on the points to improve rather than the overall design here... keep in mind, we liked these very much! Thanks!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
ok, great, i am glad you liked these. thats good feedback. i will make some revisions and see were we net out. thanks
14 years ago
Logo Designer
ok, revised options

(This comment references Entry #27)
14 years ago
#46: Lowercase letters just have more design possibilities, don't they? :-)
I'm torn between the toy boat and the b-antenna...
I'll ask folks around here which on they like and we'll see how the rankings net out.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
lol, yeah they do. i would try the letters as a boat but it looks like that has been done
14 years ago
Logo Designer
couple of new thoughts

(This comment references Entry #58)
14 years ago
#58, #59: I like them, but our product is black, so we like the white background for better contrast. Plus, the white background works better for things like letterhead, etc. They're really nice, though.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
here it is reversed, i like the square shape for lables/icons and such

(This comment references Entry #101)
14 years ago
Thus your username... :-)

I like it aesthetically as well, but my concern is that if we end up needing a rectangular label, we'll either have too much white space along one dimension relative to the other, or we'll have to artificially shorten the label, exposing the surface we want to cover. If we don't have any sort of border within the logo, it's ok to have the longer white space because the edge isn't as well defined. Also, one of my favorite parts of that design is the way the curves trail off rather than getting cut off (that's why #46 is ranked so high). (And except for the practical difficulty of dark vs white background, it's actually why #58 is one of my favorites aesthetically, with the Technologies and the trails bleeding outside the sharp border -- but alas, pragmatism rules...)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
couple of new ones

(This comment references Entry #170)
14 years ago
Thanks tsquare. I like #170. Very clean.
#171, not as much (too tall, too dark). I can't decide between it and #46.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
well i had to remove #170, another designer felt it was to close to his design
14 years ago
Yeah, I thought someone might have an issue with that a little bit...
I like the bigger lines in #182.
Can the antenna be a) the same color as Vobal (I think it's black now, right?) and b) be connected to the b instead of floating above it?
14 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #189)
14 years ago
Oh, I like what you did with #190 and #191!
I like the flatter ones in #190.
You're making my choice really difficult! :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
had another thought

(This comment references Entry #206)
14 years ago
Reads like Vobai instead of Vobal. Cool idea, though.
14 years ago
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