Vobal Technologies, LLCLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Vobal Technologies, LLC

Vobal Technologies, LLC has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 248 designs from 16 different designers from around the world.






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That is bold! It might be a little TOO bold... the ship looks like it is sending out a powerful signal, but I'm not 100% certain it conveys that the cell phones will work on board... I do like the font. Maybe de-emphasize the shippiness of it a bit...
Thanks! (Entry #11)
14 years ago
Hi Brendan,
Each one is getting better and better! In general, still a bit bold for us, I think, but getting there...
Looking at #22, would green lines coming out of the phone work instead of the brown (see the logo on our website: www.go2callsoftware.com)?
Also, it took me a moment to tell that was a ship behind the phone. It looked like mountains at first (of course, now all I see is a ship, but that was my first impression). What about water instead? Though at that point I'd still struggle to tell our tech is for commercial vessels only and not cruise lines... (sorry, I'm just thinking out loud...)
14 years ago
Hilarious! I hope that doesn't happen to any of our customers, but if it does, they'll be able to call for help. :-)
So you didn't like the green, huh? :-) Blue works too.

That ship (#23, #24) is more ship-like. What if the phone were behind the #22 ship like in #23?

I like your designs. I think my main struggle is that they are pretty square (or round, in your case). I prefer a flatter (wider than it is tall) design... it's easier to put into letterheads and website banners. I think that's why I've been using the word bold; my brain really just meant big (vertically).

Oh, and we can get rid of LLC... it's too legalese-ish.
14 years ago
Oh, now we're cookin' with gas!
I'm completely torn between the subtlety of #38 (no floating cell phone, but the additional lines give you a hint something is going on) and the coolness of the white B in #39 and #40. The phone is too in-your face on those (IMO), but I like that B!
I'll get some feedback here and we'll see how they rank!
Oh, and adding the tower to the ship did the trick!
14 years ago
I don't know... maybe it's the color of the water in #166 and #167, but I still like #38 better...
I like the concept ok in those new ones, but the one in #38 is just more evocative to me. #38 is the favorite of one of my coworkers, so you're not out of it yet...
14 years ago
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