Thanks Bens0n! I like #121 better (the box around Technologies is a bit too much for me). Is there a way to make the ship a little more cargo ship and a little bit less yellow submarine? :-) (To put it in more constructive terms, it's a bit of a roundbelly right now... I hope my joke didn't offend) I do like the swoop (it's like part of a globe, almost, which works with our name) and the fonts are good, too. Oh, also, if there's a way to make it seem like we're connecting cell phones, rather than the whole ship, that would be great!
Sorry I was MIA today... I like the thicker swoop (#141). I'm not a huge fan of the cell phone floating there, though. I prefer a less literal indicator. Moving the waves from the ship antenna to the deck was good, for instance. I'm shamefully unfamiliar with ships (considering our business)... Is the communications tower the right width? Also, do most ships have that 60s-Cadillac fin? It's ok with me if the ship is less literal as well... it can be stylized a bit, if you want to give that a try. One thing I liked about the thinner swoop is that it supported the ship a little further to the right, so it didn't quite look like it was going over a cliff. I like the font from #141 etc better than the font in #127. I think I like the font size from #122 better than the rest, though. All in all, I like #122 the best, but I like the thicker swoop (with a tweaked placement) from #141. Again, sorry it took so long to get the feedback back to you.
Hey no problem, I was actually just about to log off and saw you left this comment.
I was looking at a photograph of a cargo ship that I took, it has an icebreaker on the hull, and the communications tower might be a little wider, but I felt like this size looked the best aesthetically.
Actually, I was thinking the comms tower could be a little less wide. And I think I understand the cadillac fin... the bulge is below the water line, so usually unseen unless it's in dry-dock. Without that bulge it looks like a forward leaning point rather than a cadillac fin. As I said, we can sacrifice some accuracy for aesthetics, though.
Looks like you're still working... I'll let you finish and rank more in the morning when I get to work (it's almost 1am here). Don't stay up too late! :-)
Hmm, looks a bit like "release the kraken!" or "here there be monsters". (#151 and #152) Nautical themes, to be sure, but probably not the association we're going for. :-) I prefer the original swoop, I think. And the cadillac fin is gone and the thinner comms tower, so that's good. Would #145 look stupid with the boat flipped so it's facing the other way? I like the way the ship interacts with (rests on) the swoop in #147, but I prefer the fat end of the swoop to the left, so if we don't flip the swoop, let's try flipping the ship. (I'm pretty sure I won't like the ship facing that way, but until I see it I don't know... I'm depressingly worse at the visualization-inside-my-head than I thought I'd be or would like to be...) :-)
Oh, and don't take it the wrong way, but I'm going to clear out some space and put some of the working efforts into the uninterested pile. Just trying to make some room...
Allow me to echo your sentiments... :-) Yeah, I don't think that worked quite so well. Also, I do like the arc in #198, but the swoop (#184) is more distinctive. Still not feelin' the kraken... #184 still my favorite of your entries.
It looks more like a whale now, and that's pretty cool (though a bit off-message). Still missing the word Technologies, and we're a bit attached to that, I'm afraid. #184 keeps the top spot of your entries...
I like the new ones (#219, #221) when they are big enough to read, but when small (like on my ranking page where they are about 1/4 the size (1/2 the length and 1/2 the height)), the word Technologies is difficult to read. One of the uses of this logo will potentially be on a 1"x1.5" label, so pretty small...
:-) It's like watching Darwin's evolution unfold. I like the idea, I'm just afraid people will think we're a save the whales, greenpeace, marine research type company. Not that I want the whales to die, of course, but whale research is not what we're about. Or those sonophone things they drag behind a ship to attract whales. Sorry if my observation steered you off-course.
#219 was a blue wave. Still giving your top spot to #184...