We really like this, if we were to change these sharp lines into curves, and flowing bends, do you think it would work? This is a very different direction though we think it might be nice to see something a little different!
Hello again Uta, this is another design that we really like. We would be interested in exploring the bottom V in the emblem, with the two lines that come off the V, to be removed, to then just have a clean 'v'. We are not sure if this would work with the symmetry - but are looking at ways we can push and experiment with these lines and how they work together.
Hi Uta, thanks for submitting your logos, and also the message. Really love your work. This design is really long the right track of what we are thinking - and we like the way you are playing with symmetry and the balance of both sides.
Also amongst your other logos submissions you have done the same.
We were wondering if you had other fonts that you might consider? We also like the way the V V and A work, with the A a flipped V. That's clever!
Welcome to Logo Tournament.
Please, Do not hesitate to contact me
if you have any requests for your needs so I will do my best for creating what you really want, thank you.
Comment Activity
But in this mode only rank 1-5 can submit new design.
Just put me in that rank and i will submit your request.
We really like this, if we were to change these sharp lines into curves, and flowing bends, do you think it would work? This is a very different direction though we think it might be nice to see something a little different!
This is one of variation with font.
And please check my other new entries.
Thank you
Also amongst your other logos submissions you have done the same.
We were wondering if you had other fonts that you might consider? We also like the way the V V and A work, with the A a flipped V. That's clever!
Welcome to Logo Tournament.
Please, Do not hesitate to contact me
if you have any requests for your needs so I will do my best for creating what you really want, thank you.
Best Regards,